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help i am cell phone illiterate. can you buy a regular phone and insert a prepaid sims card to change carriers

My daughter wants a phone, however, I do not want to have to pay for a whole plan just so her and her friends can sit on the phone and breathe at each other. I just wondered if you can convert a razr to a prepaid phone and change the service provider by simply buying a sims card? If your an expert i appreciate your time. thanx

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can actually buy a prepaid Razr. Like Cingulars GoPhones. Call or goto Cingular and ask them to make the Razr a prepaid phone. You won't be able to switch sims from prepaid for to prepaid phone (that I know of anyways) because the sim and phone have to coincide with their activation numbers. But to do this, just talk to Cingular or take it into one of their stores. They should be willing to help you with this question right now and give you it in more detail if you call them. They have pretty friendly customer service representatives.

  • 1 decade ago

    That depends on the carrier that you originally bought your razr from. Most cell phone companies offer prepaid plans so your best plan would be to use the same carrier your phone was originally with and buy the prepaid then you won't have to worry about the phone being locked. You can buy unlocked phones on Ebay that are used for a reasonable price, or Boostmobile has a great phone for around $40 that is prepaid that comes with original minutes. This phone comes with all incoming text messages are free!! Very good for girls and friends. Internet is also free on that phone, with reasonable pricing for minutes. Great phone for if you know anyone with Nextel because it also comes with the feature for free walkie talkie.

    However if your prepaid sim card and your old card are with the same carrier it will work. For example you can take your Cingular sim card and put it into any Cingular phone and make the updates it works great (the phone walks you through the steps).

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I lengthy for the unique cellular phones without all the coolest factors. They were so a lot extra sturdy and also you would possibly want to quite listen out of them. each and each new telephone i'm getting is worse than the only ideal one. I now have a Razor (for only over a three hundred and sixty 5 days) and that i have hated it for the reason that week #2. i visit't watch for both years to be up so i visit commerce it for yet another sucky telephone (in the hopes of quite getting a extra useful one). The digicam.... piece of junk. virtually in no way use it. in reality ingredient it truly is sturdy for is in case you get in an vehicle twist of destiny and decide to take some pictures for information. yet, although, only save your digicam with you and also you'll pop out with a lot extra useful pictures.

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