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lady_crotalus asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

Who else thinks mommyof2 should not be allowed to have fish?

She got 2 goldfish for a 1 gallon tank. This was our convo via messages.

I wrote her in a nice way that 2 goldfish cannot live in a 1 gallon tank and proceeded to explain what goldfish actually needed. I also provided a bunch of links backing my info up. THis was her response exactly copy and pasted from her reply to me " From: mommyof2

Subject: Re: fish

Message: yes every pet store i called and asked in this city lied to me about gold fish not being a good fish for my little tank, yup i believe that.

and yup getting one beta fish for the tank isnt

mean, just letting one fish swim around by itself is just dandy " Note the sarcasm.

I replyed that they were infact wrong and that its not fair to the fish and that she is teaching her kids to be irrisponsible.

Her last reply " From: mommyof2

Subject: Re: fish

Message: go try to pawn your advice on someone else, maybe they will believe your hot air "

Absolutely disgusting.


faterrider- goldfish have a lifespan of 30 plus yrs, so stfu.

She brought it on herself by being ignorant.

ALL I CARE ABOUT IS THE FISH AND THEIR HEALTH AND WELLBEING, i dont care about egos or feelings so bite me!

Update 2:

Her last email to me was full of nasty names and swearing. Not once did i swear at her.

Its unfortunate that she is teaching her children that its ok to abuse and neglect pets by keeping those goldfish crammed into a 1 gallon tank.

Update 3:

I am not buying her a tank. It is her responsibility wich she is failing. I refuse to keep quiet, if they dont wanna learn then they get humiliated.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have been in the pet industry for over 7 years. I have heard and seen it all. Being in the business I have had customers that have received faulty information before. This appears to be the case once again. Unfortunately, some stores just want to make money and some others don't have proper training for their employees. The rule of thumb I always recommend is about 1 inch of fish per gallon of water. Fantails can reach up to 8" in length when full grown. The only way these gold fish would be fine is if they are and will stay 1/2 an inch long, which wouldn't be the case at all. Putting them in a small tank like that will quickly deplete their oxygen (which goldfish need higher levels of), raise the biological waste to a highly toxic level and stunt their growth so much they will have no chance of survival. As for the Betta fish, they are fine being kept solitaire. I have had some customers keep them in a very passive community tank (neons, platies, other small tetras) with no problems, but I like keeping them on their own.

  • 1 decade ago

    But they show on the side of the 5 gallon aquarium box 10 goldfish in the 5 gallon tank, so it must be ok.....LOL What an idiot, and I only say that because she asked for advice and got ticked because the answer wasn't to her liking. Well, after she repeatedly kills off her fish, and spends all that money, she'll eventually realize that "most" pet store employees don't have a clue, I never ask them for advice. I talked to one employee about parrot food, and he said he only gave his now deceased parrot seeds, no pellets or veggies, just seeds. Hmmmm, wonder why it died?? Anyway, I wouldn't even put a betta in a 1 gallon tank/bowl/jar. I have 5 comet/feeder goldies, those little 1/2 inch fishies are now about 8 inches. Maybe the kids didn't get her ignorant genetics, so their may be hope :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Regretfully until Pet stores start to care, this happens a great deal. The options really are to just try and advise her and let her decide to take action, buy her a bigger tank, or just keep your mouth shut. I know it is very difficult to see these fish being kept in unfit conditions but there is very little you can actually do.

    You are correct though.

    Each goldfish needs AT LEAST 10 gallons each and regular water changes. Many fish are "1 inch per gallon" -but goldfish are much that exception. I have 6 Oranda's in a 125 gallon tank and it is almost too small for them as it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry you had a bad experience it happens to all of us at some point. The problem with this type of advice is everyone has their own opinion of what is correct, sometimes it is correct and sometimes it isn't exactly wrong and other times it is so wrong you wonder how their fish survive! The problem is you have to figure out who is telling the truth and since the person isn't always well informed they may choose wrong or ask where they get confirmation of the wrong advice. For those of us who love their fish, dog, cat, bird it can be very frustrating to see really bad advice being given because either we have learned the hard way and have lost pets very dear to us or know of someone who has and it is distressing to have your sound advice (given out of painful experience) called false or fake. Take the emotion out of it and realize that most of us have to learn the hard way and only after we have learned the hard way for years do we start to really listen to those who have had the experience before. Don't be baited by emotion and strong language and rise above the level of intelligence that seems to be at question here. It is sad that most pet store employees are not more knowedgeable in their jobs area of expertise. It would make it a lot easier for those of us who have some knowledge so it would be backed up with a so called "professional" point of view! My own personal advice would be to skip answering any more of her emails or her questions here on Answers. It would be better for your peace of mind and feel sorry for her fish!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its fine to start little fantails in a gallon tank if you realize they will grow up bigger. i keep about 3 little ones in a 5 gallon until they are ready to be moved. perhaps mommyof2 will learn responsibility when her goldfish outgrow her gallon tank and she buys a 5 gallon and the year after a 10 gallon and ends up with the 30 gallon you probably recommended in the first place. perhaps the fish will die tomorrow and she will go buy a betta. que sera. don't worry so much. there are a lot better things to do than worry.

  • silvi
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Are you speaking commercial fishing boats? That calls for allot of stamina. perchance dad is conscious of your no longer waiting yet. yet women fish too. and there's no logical reason you mustn't be allowed to bypass. I fish and hunt. Have lengthy gone with my dad considering i became a newborn

  • PeeTee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You tried.She will probably kill hundreds of fish before she figures out that all the pet stores sell fish to people who kill them,if everyone had a clue as to how to raise and keep fish they wouldn't sell nearly so many fish. When a beginner fails pet stores make more money. Nice try. PeeTee.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its good to be concerned, its advice at the end of the day, nobody is right 100% of the time, sharing information helps people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you are wasting your breath (or your fingers) and your time and raising your blood pressure at the same time, you can't help some people, alot of the people in this forum don't want to learn anything

    Source(s): goldfish breeder 35 yrs
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get her a bigger fish tank.

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