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Stop cursing!!!?

How do i get my 8 year old to stop cursing/cussing. He thinks it is cool...friends at school do it. I've given him time outs, I've made him clean the bathroom.....any other hints would be great. I'm so frustrated.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    a good old fashioned bar of soap in the mouth. it won't hurt them and it tastes horrible.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a 9 year old and 11 year old and swearing has never really been a problem. When they were younger I explained to them that there were better words to describe how you feel than swearing. Now that they are older - I allow them to swear for a couple of minutes with a controlled start and stop time, while they are at home but not curse at me or each other. My son always seems relieved and it got out of his system. I am amazed at the words that they do know.

    Or you could start a swear jar in the house - whenever anybody swears they have to put in a quarter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think at that age cussing seems to be more of a way to fit in. Being 8 years old time outs are probably inneffective. My suggestion would be to take away things he enjoys such as computer time, game systems or certain games.

    And to geet them back have him write the word he was using to finish this sentnece...I will not say_______ again. It seems harsh, but, its his choice either write it out X amount of times or do not recieve back what was taken away for 2 weeks.

    Believe me when he has to write that out the next time he goes to say that word..he'll remember and eventually will have NO desire to cuss.

    Drastic needs call for drastic measures.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try taking away something he likes or likes to do. Reward him when he doesn't curse. If you keep doing this, he'll know you mean business! (He'll also look forward to that reward). Most importantly, you need to separate your Son from his friends who are a bad influence on him. It's going to be harder for you later, if you do not put a stop to this behavior now. He's too young to be going that route. Tell him that you love him and that's why you're punishing him by taking away the things he loves until he's learned his lesson.

    He'll thank you for it later. :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    A tried and true punishment my parents used on me. This is/could be slightly modified because of his being 8 years old, but it works.

    When I was late coming home for supper, my parents would give me a one night restriction to my bedroom. Only books allowed were school books.

    Second offense would be two night's restriction to my bedroom. Again, only school books.

    Third offense (if it happened within a one week period) would be one week's restriction to my bedroom. As previously, only school books permitted.

    Pretty quickly your kid should get the idea that "toilet talking" mouth doesn't work too well in your presence.

    And his claiming "slip of the tongue" should not make a difference; punishment is imposed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well back in the day they used to make the kid put soap in the mouth, but if my mom ever caught me or my brother cursing, she would slap us in the face, but since your kid is young, i would say beat his butt. He'll learn, that's how i learned!

  • 1 decade ago

    Try spanking or washing his mouth out with soap. You canalso take away priveleges.

  • 1 decade ago

    make him cough up money everytime he cusses. if he is short on cash make him earn it by doing odd jobs around the house, be consistant , eventually he will realize it is not worth it.

  • 1 decade ago

    i did the bar of soap in the made my child think twice before saying anything again......tastes horrible and although i hated doing dirty mouth cleaner on the market

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    clean his/her little mouth out with soap, give him a little bit of vinegar my parents give me that as a punishment it is nasty now i act like an angel. GOOD LUCK!!!!! it tastes nasty but it wont harm them!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well......Spankings never hurt anyone.

    wait, HAHA except for him.

    Well maybe instead of punishing him for cursing,

    try rewarding him for NOT cursing.

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