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How much memory does a wii game take up?

I want to know if I need a memory card for it. I know it has 512MB of flash memory built in but I want to know how much memory 1 game takes up and how many games I can save on it.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well i have a wii and the built in 512mb is for the saved games, vitual console and updates. the sd plug in is for music and pictues also you can copy your saved from the 512mb and transfer them to your sd to send to friend or is you want to format your memory. also the 512mb counts as blocks every games takes up to 1-50 blocks thats little for 512. but if you go to wal-mart or target they have wii sd cards for 40$ but if you have already have a sd card you can use that to.

  • 4 years ago

    particular the sport cube video games go into the comparable slot as Wii video games. You do want a sport cube memory card to save video games. The memory card slots are placed on the splendid of the Wii. you won't be able to use Wii Remotes with sport cube video ought to use sport cube controllers with purely some Wii video games.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have games that take up as little as 2 blocks of space up to at least 20 blocks. I don't know how much memory in terms of MegaBytes and GigaBytes.

  • 1 decade ago

    The memory on a Wii are broken down into blocks. You start out (without a memory card) with about 2164 blocks. For example... Zelda only uses one block for one save slot. In Wii sports, if you have two Mii's, it'll use two blocks to save.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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