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Reading this paper this a.m., I had a thought...what do you think?

Would Bush, or any other person in charge, be quite so eager to send all these young ones over to feed a war machine, if he had to look EACH one in the eye before they go? Maybe shake their hand? Then they wouldn't be just units anymore, but human beings, each different, each special. I know it's impractical, since there are so many of them, but...


Do you think maybe they'd "think" about it a litle more before ordering thousands more?

Update 2:

Or, maybe, even cut back how many they send?

14 Answers

  • White
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Once contact is made with some other human being you tend to feel a certain "attachment" to that person, I don't know wether this would help in this case, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to try, or maybe if he got to know their families before the kids left that would make him think more about sending them.

    By looking a person in the eye you get to know them a little, you get to see the fear, bravery, sorrow, or pride in each of them.

  • ~MIMI~
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It would not make a difference to them. Bush has been over to Iraq, as well as other high ranking people in the US goverment. They have seen the troops face to face, and spent time with them. They know what they are going through, and all he can think of is sending more. How many more have to die before he realizes this is a not a war the US will win? Such a crass waste of life and money... I know many people may not agree with my opinions, but keep in mind that is just what they are: MY opinions.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    ..or if they had to accompany the caskets back to the parents/families.

    I think that should be mandatory, that the actual "decision makers", presidents, prime ministers, heads of state... etc... are the ones who bring the body home (to the house). EACH TIME.

    They seem to be in denial of failure or alternate game plan... this may wake them up to the individual consequences and encourage them to find a better way.

    I think if I lost a family member, I would demand a face to face apology from the person (man or woman) who made the decsion to put them there.

    But, that's just me. Who knows? Really.

  • 1 decade ago

    He does think of them as units. I would say almost daily he is confronted with soldiers and families that are suffering because of the war. However wars aren't pretty- He feels this is the mission that the US should be on, and that carries more precedence then compassion for these soldiers. Also they joined up, this is why the call it the ultimate sacrifice. Now the question is- is this war worth it- to almost all of us no- to him- yes

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  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. Dragon thinks the peeple in charge would still have a war machine, cuz it is not about the troops involved, it is about revenge and being into evarybody's business except their own.

    After the first few peeple, they would stop seeing the peeple as individuals anyway, cuz they would get bored of meeting all these different peeple.

  • 1 decade ago

    Politicians are notorious for appearing to look people in the eye to attempt to gain trust and support when in reality they are not "seeing" a thing. I don't, unfortunately, think it would work.

  • 1 decade ago

    any loss be it 1 or 4,000 is too many, of course he may think differently but he would have to do it because he has to look like we are doing the right thing for those people, I say bring them home.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's something to be said about anonymity. We'd have lost a lot of wars if not for that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush wouldn't give a flying flip and never will.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a good question.I don't know if that would effect them or not but that should be required before they are sent anywhere to fight for this

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