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Memory Stick Pro for Sony Cameras?
Are there any new Sony Digital Cameras that still take Memory Stick Pro and not the Duos? I have a 2gb stick and I don't want to have to buy another memory stick.
3 Answers
- FranklinLv 51 decade agoFavorite Answer
The new Sony Cameras don't use the full size Sony Memory Sticks - but you should not let your decision on what camera to buy be affected by the fact that you have 2GB Memory stick, even though it was probably expensive when you bought it. Memory for digital cameras has gotten much cheaper in the past couple of years. SD memory cards are the most commonly used types of memory for consumer digital cameras - I have seen 1GB SD cards being sold for as little as $15- sometimes with a rebate that brings the price even lower.
- Devil Dog '73Lv 41 decade ago
First, the 'Pro' doesn't refer to the sizeof the memory stick, but simply to it's speed & overal function. A Memory Stick can be Pro, Duo or Both.
No current models of Sony digital cameras use the 'full size' Memory Stick. On the bright side, the cost of a Sony 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo has been drastically reduced. You can get them for around $70-80. And unless you are going to be shooting at a SuperFine 8.0 megapixel resolution, you could probably make do with a 1GB, and those are around $50. Even at 8.0 MP, a 1GB will get you approximately 250 pictures.
Just make sure to get either a Sony brand or Lexar brand.
- schoenbergerLv 44 years ago
I actually have a Sony H-50, and also you would possibly want to apply the different like minded type that suits the Sony Stick, i in my opinion use the Sandisk 4gb stick myself, and not in any respect a difficulty yet (2years) with any of the cameras applications or the playing cards. have relaxing!!! =^_^=