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Christian Elitism?

Okay I have to ask this, isn`t this the prevailing attitude of some Protestant denominations that all Atheists are evil and that there are no Catholics in Heaven, can the answers to this be truly honest rather than angry denials,let`s see!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, you have a very good question. Why some Christian denominations profess they have the absolute truth and condemn any other denominations that are found in the society they live in. I very much sympathize with those people who belong to the Catholics or to the Orthodox Church. Both of these denominations are considered very much like Atheists because of the rituals they follow in their Church that are classified to be idolatry and does not differ from those who are Atheist. We should go back to Martin Luther who is the founder of all the Protestant Churches. During his lifetime, and following his studies of the Bible, Martin Luther condemned the Catholic Church which stands very much similar to the Orthodox church in their teaching and claimed that salvation is not be works and deeds but by faith alone. Furthermore, he detested the rituals performed by the Catholic churches which give too much importance to The Virgin Mary and to the Saints of the Church who lived at the beginning of the Church and were the founders of the first era of the Church after Jesus ascension to Heaven. The same treatment is considered to the Prophets of God in the Old Testament. Both the Catholics and the Orthodox pray to Virgin Mary and to all the Saints and the Prophets of the Bible, where as none of those individuals should be given any considerations as being intercessors or mediators between God and Man. Praying to those people and asking their intercession makes the Church heathen and opposes the teaching of the Bible which tells us that there is only one mediator or intercessor between God and Man, namely Jesus Christ Himself. Martin Luther is considered to be the founder of those who deny any value to those intercessors besides Jesus, thus they claim to be the only ones who follow the true teaching of the Bible. The Fathers of the early Church era did not completely wipe away the memories and the holiness of the Saints and the Prophets of God. Protestants are far away from the truth given in the Bible, and their claim to be the only ones who have the key to Heaven is not true. Protestant brought adultery and all kind of weird teaching and practices to their Church. They impose thigh of 10 percent among all members of the Church and reap so much riches by fooling the people that the Bible blesses those who give their thigh to the Church and their money grow 100 times when they give. The teaching of the New testament however, completely differs from this. Some of the Pastors of the Protestant Churches have induced so many incorrect teachings besides the thighs that have induced so much shame and disgrace to the Church of Christ, among which is Pride instead of humility, Molesting children instead of loving them, discrimination instead of loving of neighbor and many other stupid teaching that Christ never ordained.

    They honor Martin Luther and condemn the Pope by claiming the Pope to be the anti-Christ on Earth. Any scholar of the Bible would find that Paul and not Martin Luther was the one who preached salvation by faith and not by work. They dishonor the Virgin Mary instead of blessing her for giving birth to Jesus Christ. The Bible clearly indicates that all generations that follow thereafter will bless her for the position bestowed upon her by God. They brain wash the minds of the members instead of teaching how to paying reverence and solemn worship with honor inside the Church established by Christ. Christ was a lover of unbelievers and of sinners and because of this attitude He was hated by the Jewish Priests and the Scribes and other sects among the Jews. This very attitude of Protestantism created Atheism instead of showing love to mankind. Hundreds of denominations have been created by Protestantism after rejection of Catholicism and the teaching of the Orthodox Church. No one denies, however, that the Church did experience corruption in the Middle Ages, but that was corrected in due course. If I want the truth, I should read the Bible and pray for God to lead me into the right path, and not follow the way provided by Martin Luther. Finally, Unlike Charles Darwin, Newton, Copernicus, Freud and Einstein, Martin Luther was greatly respected by the Church while those who added tremendous information into the science which is part of God's wisdom and knowledge, they were all hated and considered infidels.

  • C J
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Rather than ask if that is the prevailing opinion of Protestant denominations, you should ask if that is the prevailing opinion of Christ!

    Jesus did not teach us to hate, but he did teach us that He, and He only, was the way to the Father, and to heaven. If any denomination teaches contrary to that, then they are not teaching the doctrines of Christ.

    Many people tend to sway more towards man's doctrines, rather than to the teachings of Christ. And when they do so, these are the type of attitudes you will encounter. Sticking to the Gospels, and the teachings of Christ will never do you wrong. Deviating from them, is a recipe for disaster.

    I do not regard athiests as evil. I do believe, as a Christian, they are in need of the saving salvation of Christ. As for Catholics, I see no problem with them whatsoever as long as they heed the teachings of Christ, and do not deviate from them, as I mentioned above.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not sure what group encompasses Atheism. It seems to me there are plenty of people within churches saying they believe in God then rejecting everything about Him as reflected in the way they live their lives. So I am not sure who is an Atheist. And the label of Christian has also been broadened to accommodate many teachings...some which lead people away from Jesus. We can not place the label of evil on those who are simply misled or lost. What good does it do to recognize the lost and dying if we are not going to do something about it. Can I ask this? If someone were drowning in front of you would you just throw them a book about learning how to swim or really do something to save them? We are quick to find fault, especially religious fault, but what do we do with that information?

  • JohnC
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am a follower of Christ, not religion. Allow me to answer, if you will.

    Catholics are as Christian as any Protestant. They just don't understand some things. Namely, salvation, but I digress. They believe in Jesus Christ as the way, truth, and life. Jesus is the key and doorway of salvation. Catholics are indeed in heaven.

    As far as "atheists" are concerned, read above.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christian elitism exists because one couldn't be a Christian without believing that they know the one and only truth. Therefore everyone else (in their opinion) is wrong. Thus the whole elitist attitude. "If I'm right, then those that don't think the same as me are wrong".

  • 1 decade ago

    <----- Protestant Christian here.

    I believe everyone is evil, not just atheists, myself included.

    I'm positive that there are multitudes of Catholics in Heaven, that doesn't mean I have to agree with all their doctrine.

    So, sorry, I'd have to say no to your question.

  • Jed
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've seen that rhetoric before. Yes, in some. Any one with a brain in their head won't swallow whole what they say though.

  • mark g
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You can find always some people that will believe in anything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are right SOME not all may believe this untruth, because only God knows for sure!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's true for some people, sadly. Luckily not all people feel that way.

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