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Do you believe that all events tied to 26 are coincidence, or is there a power behind the number 26?

George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26, 1856

The number of red/black cards in a deck of cards is 26

There are 26 months is a half year.

There are 26 pay periods in a year, if each pay period is 2 weeks.

2 presidents died in 1826 - J. Adams and Jefferson.

December 26, 2004 is when tsunami occurred

February 6, 1971 - Alan Shepard hit golf ball on moon during Apollo 14. That was just one moon mission past Apollo 13, which failed: 13 * 2 = 26.

Ronald Reagan was born on February 6, 1911

The letters in George W Bush add up to 130, which is 5x26 - first president in history divisible by 26

Catcher in the Rye has 26 chapters.

Dubya Bush was much more lucid now than 10 years ago; he is 60 today. "W ten sixty" anagrams to "twenty-six".

Anything is expressible in terms of 23 and 26. For example:

666 = 12x23+15x26

2007 = 85x23+2*26

911 = 17x23+20x26

17x26 = 442, the height in meters of the Sears Tower, tallest in the USA.

26 squared is 676 which is the same backwards and forwards.

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    all of those are random facts accumulated by conpiracy theorists. so many patterns can be made from random numbers and random facts from history. for example, the 2007 one: the year changes every 365 days so that isnt even applicable all the time... random facts dont make a magic number

  • rudel
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    there is means in any determination in case you want there to be. do you want to talk the Biblical roles that 7 and 40 have? or perchance the end results of 10, or thirteen? human beings imagine that numbers are not ordinary actuality and good, so numerology sounds like a valid argument, notwithstanding it isn't. Numbers are substantial merely because you want them to be. you nevertheless favor to justify your math. Why upload a million,9,9,4 for the year of Curt Cobain's lack of existence yet no longer the year of pal Holly's? the reply is that you're searching for the respond to be 23. nicely that is no longer a medical argument, neither is it a coincidence. You were searching for options that justifies the argument of 23 being an major determination. that isn't any diverse than conserving that 10 is substantial. in spite of everything, 10 = ninety -80, 9+a million, 4+6, 14-4, 23-thirteen. you're literally not proving something because the magnitude is the equation. If each and every substantial adventure occured in a year that further as a lot as 23 or if each and every substantial lack of existence change into an equation of two:3 then you fairly ought to have something. i have studied numerology, and it is totally relative, much like many different concept structures. the means is contained in the equations, the approach that leads you to the reply. i'm nevertheless enthusiastic about the action picture, yet even the previews coach that 2/3 = .666. No it would not, it equals .666666 ad infinitum (it is going on continuously). provide me a calculator and that i will turn absolutely everyone into Jesus or the devil once you do not ask for the equations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Holy ******* ****, the day after Christmas is the 26th!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's it guys, this is just way too freaky for me. I can't believe that if you add up how many month Anne Frank hid in The Secret Annexe, you get 25 months, which is ALMOST 26. Ohmigawd guys I am starting to get really nervous. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet????? AHHHHHH oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no look at all of these weird events that lead to the number 26. Guys, how come we didn't notice this before?

    Armageddon is coming, perhaps tomorrow? February 6 = 2/6!! TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    26...............Ohmigawd. I'm scared.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow. So much work for no reason! I betcha if i ahd tons of time and was REALLY bored... i could show u some CRAZY shizzle with the number 1!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    You should check out the question about the JIm Carrey movie about 23. And someone wrote a question about it in Yahoo. Check it out. It has more reasons than you. And look at the person who wrote about Lincoln and Kennedy while your at it.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow buddy you really are paranoid. and you really have a lot of time on your hands. if you keep this up, you might live up to be 40 years old, living in your mom's basement, with agoraphobia, thinking the world is out to get you.

    right on and bless you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey I was born on July 26th!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Same bullshit as the number 23 crap

  • Alex
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No, thats just silly. Of course they are coincidences.

  • 1 decade ago

    wowwwww. you convinced me.

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