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Did you like yesterday's episode of Lost?

I saw it and I was utterly unimpressed; did I miss something?

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm pretty sure it jumped the shark

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah the question I've been searching for.......well the first half hour really blew. I thought the whole episode focused way to much on Juliette (who I generally can't stand for no real reason). I wasn't that impressed though I guess for some reason we had to learn about her past and why she's there so we can maybe get a sense or start guessing whose side she's really on, that is Ben or Jack. I am however, happy Kate and Sawyer were able to get the boat to go back to thier island but now I'm wondering how that whole situation is going to work out with that chicks boyfriend with them (Carl was it?). I hope the next 15 episodes aren't going to be all weird and that the show progresses and focuses less on "the others" cause they suck and I really don't care about them. Furthermore, I would like to add, is it me? or did the 9:00pm "survivor guide" seem like it was more so the producers/writers begging the public to watch thier show? it was pretty cheesey. Anyway thanks for the rant.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I missed it again because there was a Future Cars show on Discovery and I forgot to put the CDR in the VCR. In fact, I'd like to get all the previous episodes because I've missed several seasons I think. The last episode I think I saw was from Season 1.

  • 1 decade ago

    Loved season 1,liked season 2,totally unimpressed with this season! No you didn't miss anything,because there wasn't anything to miss. Too bad, they had a good thing going

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At this point I'm not sure..I think there are going to be too many new people & its going to be harder to keep up. I did'nt like the first 1/2 hr of it being spend showing so much about Jack operating on that guy..I wanted to see the ones from last sesaon on the orginal Island...

  • 1 decade ago

    how could you not like it.....We found out a lot more what is going on. I love this show. Its interesting to find out that the blonde doctor is also being held there and wasnt allowed to go home. Kate and Sawyer are leaving the island. Jack is still stuck there. Its getting good. And for the first time this season we get to see the rest of the survivors and kate goes back to the other island and attacks them to get jack out. Yeah you missed something if you didnt like it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the whole first hour was useless, I'm tired of leaning about the characters and the plot anyone whose interested knows that by now. I also wish they would get back to them all being on the same island their own side preferably. I miss the other characters who are never shown and Kate tends to get on my nerves.

  • Terri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It was all right. I'd give it 5 stars out of 10 stars.

  • 1 decade ago

    aww, u just lost 5 points for asking this question, but i like it though, i saw chuck norris in it

  • 1 decade ago

    I just love LOST a very good show and every episode is sooooo good

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