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What color should I paint my family room - Kitchen?

My family room & kitchen was together so I would have to paint both the same color. I need advise, front rooms I painted Yellow, I wouldn't mind painting the rest of the house yellow, but wanted to see if anyone had any other opinions on what color. Most of my furniture is wood, oak cabinets and black appliances.


My countertops are nice sage green.

Update 2:

I would have to paint both the same color since they share two walls and there's nothing that divides them. I could paint the end walls a different color

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a fan of warm colors, but it depends on the room and what kind of window exposure it has.

    I like the idea of red, cinnamon, maroon, etc. Just make sure to tint your primer before you put the paint on.

  • 1 decade ago

    I vote for a very pale sunshiny semi-gloss or gloss yellow.


    You need maximum light in a kitchen. Dark colors ruin this. You must be able to scrub it down occasionally. Sunshine yellow is seldom gloomy, and it is generally more cheerful for meals, dining and guests.

    If you have dark furniture/cabinets the woodwork could be a dark semigloss oil base paint, perhaps dark gray.

    The ceiling cold be a light shade of white or pale blue, but the paleness of it should be equal or greater than the walls. A lighter ceiling gives you more light, especially in the winter. Gloss or semigloss should match the walls.

    Do the ceiling first.

    Cheerful and colorful decorations enhance a kitchen, but should be easily removed for more formal dining occasions when you can use appropriate flower arrangements. You need a clock that is easily readable for school/workday breakfast timing.

    Try googling Kitchen Clocks for the right one.

    Or, if you want a difference with the rest of the house, you could use creamy off-white, very subdued. Not a bright white. Might go even better with dark furnishings. Ceilings and walls the same. Some contrasty tone for woodwork that matches the furniture, semigloss. With black appliances, you could also use semigloss oilbase nlack for woodwork, making it easy to clean and very, very durable.

    I agree with other answers so far too, as copesthetic. Avoid dark shades or high intensity colors. Yep, no red, god forvbid pimk.

    The gals are usually better than guys like me though, I am not an Interior Decorator.

    Source(s): Conservative DIY-er.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

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    What color should I paint my family room - Kitchen?

    My family room & kitchen was together so I would have to paint both the same color. I need advise, front rooms I painted Yellow, I wouldn't mind painting the rest of the house yellow, but wanted to see if anyone had any other opinions on what color. Most of my furniture is wood, oak cabinets...

    Source(s): color paint family room kitchen:
  • 1 decade ago

    Go to the paint store and find your yellow color swatch. Then choose a color that compliments it.

    For example, our living, dining, and kitchen are all open and connected. We painted all the walls hazlenut, then we picked out a frothy mocha color for the kitchen and back wall of the dining room.

    Depending on the shade of yellow, a burnt orange or subtle green might go well. Stay away from red or your house will look like a McDonald's.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you use a two colors that compliment each other than you don't have to paint the family room and kitchen the same color. If your countertops are a sage green, you should use a nice medium shade of tan for the kitchen walls. Then staying in the same tan color family, so two or three shades darker for the family room.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about a nice soft celadon green. If you really want to be

    creative as the rooms are "together" paint each "end wall" celadon and the outer walls white.

    Celadon is a color that you can put with almost anything. It is a warm color that looks bright but is not bold. It also goes very well

    with yellow. For accents you may add the latest shade of Lime green, such as in place mats or a wall hanging. I look for wall hanging that are made of wicker or wood and paint them to match what I have. It is a cheap addition and you can always change the colors of your accessories.

    Have fun.

  • Shay
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I love the yellow color also but I wouldn't paint all of the rooms that one color. I'd say use the yellow in the kitchen to bring out the sage countertops. You can also do a cream color. I suggest painting your family room a neutral color like a soft green if you paint the kitchen yellow.. See photos below for soft green color

    soft green

    darker green

  • 1 decade ago

    Depending how much natural light you get in your family room/kitchen - I would second the cinnamon suggestion, or even a sage green. Both of these colours would compliment your yellow... otherwise go for magnolia.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I like the color green shown right here, surrounding these boxes...kind of a celery green, lighter than sage green. I think it would look nice with about any color scheme and since your countertops are dark green, this shouldn't clash.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maroon would compliment it nicely.

    I have sunshine yellow in my foyer, orange in my kitchen and maroon in my family room. I love color.

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