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Tell me what you think of my Husband?

We have been married for almost 30 Years and He has only gave me something two or three times for Valentine's Day. He also never gives me anything for Mother's Day He say's I am not His Mother. He believes these are just Day's made to waste money.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whether he believes those day's are made just to waste money or not, bottom line is you're still his wife, and he should validate your needs AND wants within reason, and these things are certainly within reason. He's not acknowledging your need to feel a part of being pampered, like you may see so many other women, on Valentines. It's 'lover's day.'

    Deep down, I know also, that, 'it's just another day.' But, it still is NICE when we feel cherished and loved enough to receive gifts-on any day, but Valentines only happens ONCE A YEAR! That is not too much to ask, or expect of him-to go out, take his time to select something-JUST FOR YOU-that he believes in his heart will make you smile.

    Mother's day...well if you're a mother-I'd say he needs to go out and buy both his mother, and you gifts lol...It's for ALL mother's. He needs to understand that it's not just about wasting money. How is buying you something that makes you happy-wasting money???

    What do I think of him?? lol..I think he's OH-SO-WRONG!

    I wish you a Happy Valentines myself **sticking my tongue out at your husband** Tell him I said to go out and SPEND THAT MONEY ON SOMETHING HIS WIFE WILL ABSOLUTELY LOVE!! BECAUSE HIS WIFE, WHO HE LOVES SO MUCH-DESERVES EVERY BIT OF IT FOR PUTTING UP WITH HIM FOR 30 YEARS!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, as a male and a husband, I think yours is a jerk and a lazy-***!!! Does he not truly lover you? Why has he not gotten you things for V Day? Are you a mother? Why has he not gotten you things for M Day then? The guy has no feelings or considerations. Yes, those days are good days to waste money, and yes he should actually treat you like a Queen every day, however, those two days are also very good days to show some appreciation for all the hard work you have/are doing! The guy is a twit, in my opinion of course. It is men like him that give the rest of us a bad name!!

    Source(s): personal opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    does he give you anything for no special reason - a suprise gift here and there? What is he like when it comes to birthday and christmas?

    It is always nice to feel specail on those designated days - especaially mothers day - I am a mum of two and on my first mothers day i didnt get anything either - YES I WAS ANGRY AND UPSET - that the thought never 'occured' to him. and up until last year he never got me a gift for valentines dar either. but in one of our many deep and meaningful conversations i pointed out how upset and hurt i was at not recieving anything on those two occasions - and i said that you don't even need to buy any thing, there a lots of things you can do which are for free - like pick me a flower, take me on a picnic , make me dinner, bake me a cake and the list went on ........ last year i got a gift for valentines day and a gift for mothers day...... It took a while but i finally got through to him..... Your husband doesnt understand you - although he really should by now after 30 years..... I think you need to tell him that it upsets you that your not cinsidered special enough to be thought of by him on those two days..... and tell him its not about spending money because there is no need to - give him the examples that i gave you.... ALSO don't get him anything for fathers day and see how he likes it when the situation is reversed. good luck with it.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I see I understand that totally.. I told my guy that if he couldn't give me presents the other 364 days of the year why give me a present on Valentine's day?

    It's really a big sales day for Hallmark, American Greetings, FTD and See's, Brachs and the like to make cash.. if he gave you flowers next month would you say you didn't want them?

    I hate when he calls me Mom!! I am not HIS mother and on Mother's day you expect acknowledgement from your kids!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He sounds like he is very unappreciative unless he shows you in other ways year round of his love and gratefulness that he has you. These days indeed are commercial but hey its a day to show love, you dont have to follow the sheep. You can make a card, write a poem, buy a single rose. But it sounds like you cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear..Unfortunately he is the sow's ear. Sorry P.S. You are married for 30 years either hes pretty good or its just convienent that you have stayed so long with him.

  • 1 decade ago

    You married someone that isnt that romantic, but thats normal, because some people find it hard to show their feelings, even thou they love u, they just dont show it. im sure ur husband loves u, hes just not the romantic type :-)

    p.s. mothers and fathers day are really a waste of money, its just really a way for the shops to gain more money :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure you noticed that he was not a stringent observer of these holidays prior to marrying him, why is it such a big deal now after 30 years? In my opinion, I'll say that again, in MY opinion, women tend to focus far too much on what their significant others do for them on holidays instead of what they do for them year-round. Most men do not place as much importance on holidays as women do. If he is a good husband, loves you, and treats you well, you should let him slide. Just my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    What does he do for the rest of the year? Valentines;s Day is cheesy. It's too commercialized. If you have kids has he helped them get you gifts for Mother's Day?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He has a point about the commercialism having got out of control, however, neither day has to be about money spent. He could find numerous other ways to make you feel special and appreciated. If he's a good husband in every other respect maybe you could take the day off yourself on these two occasions. If he's not a good husband maybe it's an indication of his indifference.

  • 1 decade ago

    You didn't marry him just so when it came to these days you'd get presents so look beyond these things and remember what's made you love him for 30 years

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