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how to mend a broken heart?

i get attached to any man i date, iv always been this way. iv been single a year now, recently dating a guy and i think iv been bombed out.

i always feel really down in the dumps, at the moment im like gutted! i now times a heeler, but how can i not get so attached so quick (the guy wouldnt guess this, im not clingy, but emotionally i suck!)

so help me guys & gals.... how do i mend my broken heart, and stear clear of waste-of-spaces?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    only time will mend your broken heart

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Broken heart? Missed appointment? Lost earring?

    To change how you feel on any day at any time you could follow this really easy tried and tested method.

    Just like on TV, change the picture by changing channels!

    So for your broken heart, look at the remote control in your hand, now.

    You have hundreds of channels to choose from, recall something that made you happy, a person you care about, a time when you were just amazing.... some positive image from your past.

    Instead of a time when you were attached to someone, try when you loved something - maybe a pet that gave you love back, maybe a place that makes you feel good, maybe a smell that really makes you smile....

    Hold the image in your mind, close your eyes and breathe in and out steadily.... once you have a nice even steady rythm, let the imaginary tingles that are fizzing in your toes start to spread upwards into your ankles, knees, thighs, waist, chest, arms, fingers, neck and head - imagine a tingling sensation all over your scalp.... and now recall the time when you had a really good feeling about yourself, just for you, not as part of a partnership.... and hold the tingles as long as you need to in your body... and when your mood changes from 'why me' to 'wow me' really take a deep breath in and celebrate the wonderful being that you are.... all the way across your body. Say outloud.... wow me..... and then get up and do just that... go for a bubble bath, a walk, read the article you have been putting off, eat a bit of something you enjoy.... just wow me any time and you will soon be so attractive to everyone you will have to fight them off.... after all you know people who just seem to have it al, most of them have it all within themselves and they have learned how to get tapped in... good luck

    Source(s): I am a qualified NLP Practitioner - activate your potential by opening your mind
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You should really check out Michael Fiore's video on how to get your ex back in a matter of days through text messages. It's crazy but it works, I never believed I could get back with my ex wife in this life time but it did happened. I cheated on her a lot of times and still we are back together (won't do it again), unbelievable what some psychology can do.

    Anyway, watch the video here: - it will blow your mind. Good luck!

  • Marie
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For me sad songs in the dark help, as depressing as it is it does work for me well it did when I was younger, now the only thing that will help is TIME no matter what you do thats the only thing. If I do have another broken heart I wont be past going back to the younger me.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i honestly think it takes time to mend a broken heart, but maybe you let your guards down too fast when you meet a guy. you should never tell a new guy how the previous guy treated you, and don't compare the new guys to the old guys. cheer up i'm telling you to have a happy valentine's day and to be blessed. don't beat yourself up. god puts us through tests to see if we can conquer them and still stand tall.if you need someone to talk to email me at yahoo or will find true love in due time don't look for love, it's ok to have friends don't get attached too quick.

    Source(s): been in a relationship for 7 years and it was rocky at first
  • 1 decade ago

    Concentrate on yourself, don't look for a relationship all the time. True love will find you.

    Only when you love yourself will others do the same.

    Keep smiling

  • 1 decade ago

    you do have to put yourself out there BUT don't give your heart so quickly next times

    pace yourself and the guy

    take things really slow and listen to your inner voice if you feel there are warning signals given about the guy

    Time heals all wounds if you let it

  • 1 decade ago

    I was similar when I was younger. Finally after splitting with my boyfriend of five years at the age of 24, a matter of months before we were due to be married, I managed to sort myself out. It took me a year to get back on my feet again.

    In this time I lived my life down a gym and met up with people there. Sometimes I accepted offers of meals strings attached etc and I did get involved with someone gorgeous looking but sadly very shallow.....but the ego boost was just what I needed!! I have to confess that I did get too attached to him but now realise this is because at that time I thought I needed someone to make me happy, whereas later I realised that the only way to be happy is from within.

    So what did I do? I sat down and made a list (a mental list but writing it down clarifies it) of all the characteristics I wanted from a man and from a relationship. This included the minimum age (I'd figured all the men I'd been with under 30 were really immature), personailty traits, how you want him to treat you etc. I included that I wanted someone who could make me laugh.

    When I wasn't really looking I made friends with a man whom I played tennis with for months. We then started going out and six years later I married him (we have now been together for 14 years) Our relationship is exactly as I wanted it to be. Before the list I just wandered from one relationship to another without ever thinking about what I wanted. Once I'd clarified it, it helped me sieve out the losers.

    I also think you need to build up your self-esteem. Take up a hobby or sport, learn a new language, meet new people anything that grabs your fancy (apart from a man!) and do it with the sole purpose of pleasing you. Be totally selfish about it, don't do it with anyone else like a friend for support. You will make friends this way, build your confidence and with your list of what you want you will get what you want.

    Reading Dr Phil Mcgraw's books "Life strategies" and "Self matters creating your life from the inside out" which are a great read and will help you see how your own behaviour and beliefs are affecting your life and relationships. Books and CDs on NLP are also great for this.

    Good luck on developing a new confident you and on finding out what is great about yourself. Then everything else will fit into place. You will find someone who deserves you but you need to fins yourself first.

    It may all sound insane but it worked for me...and how many people have wandered from one disastrous relationship to another without ever thinking why it happened and thinking about how they can stop it happening again?

    Source(s): Life experience and reading loads of personal development books!
  • 1 decade ago

    Hey keep trying !

    Never let anything like that get you down, grab life by the balls and throw them around!

  • 1 decade ago

    time will heal all hurt, just be patient, and dont go looking cos when u least expect true love will b at ur doorstep,

    Just concentrate on urself, and b strong and think u dont need a guy, have tht attitude and b4 u know it he'll come looking for you,.. gud luck

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