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Why do some men think that the way a woman dresses encourages rape?

Don't they realize that women get raped, no matter what they wear, or do they think that wering short skirts and skimpy tops gives them the right to rape the woman?


HEY, first answerer, women of all ages, size and religion get raped. it has absolutely nothing to do with size or looks. YOU need to get an education, along with all those people saying the woman deserves or asks for it. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What I would like to know is why ugly and/or obese women worry about getting raped?

  • 1 decade ago

    Rape is one of those things that leaves victims scarred long after the actual event. They begin to second guess themselves...Did they encourage it, did they somehow ask for it? Did they actually enjoy it? Was it rape or actually a date? Why couldn't they have seen what was coming and so on?

    There is no cure, only acceptance and understanding that you were a victim... after what can be a long long time. I once had a patient who was so guilty because she remembered her own orgasm's, while her father raped her as a child at 11-17. She thought she wanted it!!!

    Not true of course! What causes men to rape? It is a multifaceted answer, but essentially it starts with resentment toward women, and ends up being a control thing. Showing they are superior, that they can make their victim do anything they want..and so on. It gives the rapist, a sense of power, but the cost to both sides, is enormous on an emotional level.

    Men who are repeatedly raped in prison, often are never able to accept their masculinity again, and often commit suicide, or other acts of self mutilation.

    Get counselling fast, it won't solve the problem overnight, but it is the only viable solution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The way a woman dresses should not and usually does not have anything to do with her being raped, however in some instances stupid men assume that if a girl is dressed like a **** then she will give it up and that regardless of protests she really means yes.

    The way women dress sometimes causes men to objectify women and take them less seriously. It can also cause people to assume that since she is dressed that way that she has very little respect for herself.

    The way a woman dresses is no excuse for rape, which is usually a crime of aggression and dominance not of sex itself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a man and I feel that rape is wrong. Some guys are straight up idiots who can't take being rejected by a woman. But in most cases rape is a form of hatred towards women as well as a way for a guy to feel as if he is in control. But that's for the cowards who call themselves men.

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  • JAT
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The way a woman dresses can certainly excite a man. But to go from there to thinking of rape is ridiculous. It would be like saying that disapproval, which can spark anger, encourages murder. Those are extreme and pathological reactions.

    By the way, I am a man.

  • 1 decade ago

    Those kind of men you refer to think as they do from sheer ignorance, never being taught any different and they sure dont know the Lord. There are men that rape old women in wheel chairs in nursing homes, covered by shawls. so its not about clothing or sex, its about power and control. Very small minded ppl are insecure and need to overpower someone to feel big. and whats odd, they over power a woman... She is usally smaller and less strong. So what do they feel good about. Its like an adult beating up a little kid and thinking they are strong. not even.

    THey pick on the weak to feel powerful, that way they dont ever loose, or rarely lose. and ppl like that do think they have the right, as they have no respect for themselves or the women they rape. Until out society teachly Godly morals and values and for both sexes to respect one another as God says, we will always have all these problems. Makes us long for heaven, where it wont be like this there. We must learn to love and respect like God does, unconditionally and in purity. God says we are all equal, its not one over the other, and both sexes must stop fighting each other, and learn to see the value in each other and love as God does. But, we can all pray for that and not give up, till Jesus comes.

    Source(s): God, The Holy Bible and The Holy Spirit
  • 1 decade ago

    Interviews with convicted rapists reveal that most of them make the decision to commit a rape, and then search for a victim. They choose the most convenient or vulnerable targets- either people they know and have access to through the woman's trust, or whatever woman they can abduct for the purpose. Elderly women, children, and of course, males of all ages, are victims of rape. Blaming it on the victim's conduct or dress is pure BS.

    Source(s): Susan Brownmiller's "Against Our Will: Men, Women, And Rape"
  • 1 decade ago

    Lots of men use the "if I can see it, then I can have it" rationale. They try to justify their actions by saying that women are "asking for it" based on how they dress. It's a cop-out to try and excuse themselves from taking responsibility for their own actions. And it doesn't really matter what a woman is wearing. You are correct; women get assaulted and/or raped all the time no matter what they are wearing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is not an excuse for a man to rape a woman, but woman should not dress that way, because it is just temptation for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, It doesn't give them the "right" to rape, although a woman that dresses provocatively is "inviting" sexual advances. By flaunting the body, one is saying "look, at me, look at my body". What do you expect a crazed rapist to think? Or not even crazed, any man? You are pushing your body infront of their eyes, and honestly don't expect to get hit on or to have some guy think all you want is sex?

    You need to Respect your body and yourself. Flaunting your body in a sexual manner is in no way giving you resepct from other people, and in no way will you ever achieve true Respect for yourself.

  • NicOOd
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They don't realize that it's not a matter of how you dress. If you got a Va -J-J then a female is liable to get rape whether you look like a ***** or not.

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