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Why do migratory birds fly from place to place in a 'V' formation ?

this is a study of the particular behaviour of birds and has an implication in human implementation.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This v formation is very much the base for aerodynamics. When the birds fly in a V formation they encounter least wind resistance and hence they can fly faster. The lead bird encounters the most resistance and hence gets tired very soon. So after sometime another bird takes its place and so it goes on. Thats the reason you have conical nose for airplanes and racing cars.

  • Migratory birds fly in a V shape because of a scientific reason. Birds fly very large distances. They need very much energy for flying. By flying in V shape each bird gives an extra thrust which lifts the next bird and make it fly with out much effort. So they can fly large distances without resting at any place. Even they don't know know about the scientific reason behind this, they can fly without much effort. By flying like this they save a large amount of energy for their further journey. They also travel in another shapes also which allows them to save energy.

  • 1 decade ago

    The lead bird in the V formation leaves a wake which aids the birds following. As they fly, the birds take it in turns to fly at the front.

    Have a look at the Wikipedia link below.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    have you ever questioned why birds fly mutually in a “V” shape trend? nicely, this is especially by way of fact they're waiting to fly as much as 70% further than a solo fowl utilising an analogous quantity of potential. that's what I call teamwork. the entire clarification could be stumbled on at Aerospaceweb. A snippet is as follows. by utilising spacing themselves aside exact, birds can gain optimal positions that cut back the drag of each fowl interior the formation. besides the incontrovertible fact that, no longer all birds earnings the two. Your hypothesis with reference to the lead fowl being interior the main suitable place is unquestionably incorrect. This fowl has to artwork the toughest by way of fact it flies into undisturbed air. The upwash that this fowl creates improves the aerodynamics of the two at the back of it, and those 2 further strengthen situations for the subsequent 2 birds in line.

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  • 1 decade ago

    the body of birds or that of fish or even that of airships are designed in such a way so as to insure that the shape is streamlined and thus to minimise friction of the medium in which the object is moving and thus to increase propulsion .

    now its seen that the birds usually fly in the air forming a 'v'shape the theory remains the same that they can reduce friction of air and increase propulsion .this insures their faster movement.

    Source(s): science journal
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    --the most experienced/sturdy bird leads and others follow a "V" pattern ; because by travelling in this formation ; most birds can see those flying ahead as well those flying horizontally.

    --the result : maximum visibility among themselves.

    Source(s): self
  • 1 decade ago

    the V formation is so that they can all turn in one direction without crashing into each other, justlike with fighter jets, the first one turns the 2 behind see it and make the same turn, the 2 behind them see the turn and make the same turn and so on, if they weren´t in V formation one would turn and crash into the bird next to it.

  • 1 decade ago

    To save energy aerodynamically during long flights.

    THe shape is not just V, but also Z, S, T, E, etc.

    Check out the site for more information:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the bird in front shows the direction and the remaining birds will follow them.

  • 1 decade ago

    birds having monocular vision i.e. eyes on either side of their head tend to follow the leader and this pattern resembles a V

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