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How many people in England, Scotland, and Wales would vote for an All-Ireland Agreement to end Partition?

This would see an agreed end to the Partition of Ireland, and a Unitary or Federal State established, with the consent of All The People of Ireland. Please indicate which of the 3 Nations you belong to. Thank You.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very good question. I would certainly vote for such an agreement (I'm English, by the way). With the Republic of Ireland now a wealthier country per capita than the UK there is no economic reason why the six counties should not be reincorporated into a united Ireland. Obviously all in the South will welcome this as will the republican community in the north. I respect the concerns of the unionist community in the north and would say that it is essential that their rights are respected. But all must move on and eventually the injustice of a divided Ireland must be corrected.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not ultimately up to the Northern Irish. It's up to all the nations in Britain as they would be losing a part of their country if it were to happen. I personally believe it should be given to the Republic. I'm sure most Scottish people would agree to that. However, when discussing it with English friends they have the complete opposite opinion. They see Northern Ireland leaving as a break of the Union. If Northern Ireland left it could get Scots thinking aout leaving also and breaking the Union Completely (I haven't forgotten about Wales - they were already united with England at the time of Union in 1707). Maybe Wales would follow though you never know. I know my opinion sounds a little extreme but the way things are going in this country it could happen. The question is which part will leave first...?

    Source(s): A Scottish guy
  • 1 decade ago

    Most people in England don't really know anything about Ireland and it's problems. They switch off when it's mentioned.

    It wouldn't worry me what happened, but how do you have an agreed end to the partition of Ireland if the people in Northern Ireland want to stay in the United Kingdom? Is this not just going to start trouble again? Can consent be imposed? This would worry me. If everyone wants to join no problems.

    The bullying in Ireland has to end the matter who from.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm an Australian who is also a citizen of the UK and lives in Scotland and I think that although there have been many bad decisions in the creation of the United Kingdom, we would all be better off if we tried to live and work together and make the most of things the way they are. You can't undo things that were done 300 years ago. Just as many people would be disadvantaged and unhappy if Ireland was reunited as if it remains the way it is. Last thing we want is an excuse for the return of terrorism.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I visit family in Belfast 5 or 6 times every year and know many many people who live in what some might call republican areas and to be honest they don't give a **** wether they are part of the UK or a united Ireland. They just don't care as long as there is peace and that they don't have to be looking over there shoulder all the time.

    If there was a vote I would vote yes.

    I'm from England

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm from Scotland.

    I'd like to see the Irish people (both Northern and Southern) be given the chance to vote for either one Ireland (seperate from the UK) or to maintain the status quo. I don't think those of us from Scotland, Wales and England should be the ones to decide.

  • 1 decade ago

    When the majority of people within N. Ireland wish to and vote in favour of a United Ireland then I would be happy to support it also. This is the premise of democracy, a fact wich seems to escaped terrorist organisations in Ulster for over 30 years!

    As to whether this would herald the end of the troubles within the region.....i doubt it....but live in hope!


  • 1 decade ago

    In response to Lou. Surley it is up to the south of ireland too (assuming a vote in the noth showed a concensus to join the republic). We would then have to take over all the political and finiancial responsibilites that running northern ireland would ensue, and to be brutally honest, NI costs more money than it makes at the moment

  • Jock
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That would have nothingto do with me. It's up to the people in Ulster, mind you they voted once on that already & didn't they vote to be part of the UK? Personally speaking I would like to see Wales, Scotland & Ulster as independent countries, then if Ulster wanted to be part of Eire that would be your call.

  • Lou
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    it is up to us, the people of northern ireland, you wouldn't like it if the rest of the country made a decision on your future would you?

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