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go avs! asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Do you believe America is a war mongering nation?

I always hear our president claim we want to live in a peaceful world, yet we have a huge military and have been at war almost non-stop since we were founded.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you make a significant can our country be founded on 'democratic ideals' of free trade and political equality, and our national leaders continue to squander our economic resources in the name of 'justice? It bothers me that President Bush refuses to speak bluntly with American citizens about his true intentions for militaristic engagement with many countries abroad (i.e. iraq, iran, north korea)...I need to hear realistic solutions, not self-deprecating rhetoric.. good question

  • 1 decade ago

    How many countries in the last 20 years have attacked oher countries. How many nations does China have its soldiers based in. Who has Iran attacked.

    How many has the United States governments overthrown.

    How many countries does the Soviet Union have bases in.

    What is the Helvey doctrine, what sdoies Assynmetrical wrfare agaisnt a antion have to do with ur foeign policy and sate dfep[artment?

    Anyone who says the US has been living in peace does not know a damn thing about nations political policys. All they know is while they were siting on their a@@ they did not care to look or take the time to get off that A@@ to inquire.

    A nation with military bases in over 130 other counties and total over 700 bases is a peacefull country.

    No country the US is in within Latin America has known peace for the last twenty years and many last 75 years.

    These are the ones who wave flags and don't know why the hell we are goingt to war and just bend over to whatever they are told to bend over for.

    They are the ones who never question why anyone would want to blow towers up and accepts "oh they just don't like being free" and sends others to war.

    The ones who believe only a few crazy americans are torturing prisoners.

    The ones who believe Saddams Iraq was cause for towers fall and that we found WMDs in Iraq is the Gods truth.

    The US has waged a complete Low Intensity Conflict against over 50 nations since 1951 and even Eisenhower was part of it.

    They are the ones who do not read history but parrot what others tell them to parrot.

    Source(s): People in Us had its foreign policy come home on 9/1/1 but in fact it had come home long before that but in smaller ways. The CIA shootings by a Pakistani was in response fo US intellignece torturing his brother to death in Pakistan. the firstt towers bombings.on 9/1/.1 we lost almost 3000, but Presidnet Ford helped Indonesia assasinate over 300,000 in one month. 30,000 in Chile when we put in place a dictatro. whjy do so many Latin and S. Americans hate the US. Because they hate freedom? Tey spout genocide in Darfur and do not know we trained some of the fighters there trying to end French influence in centrl Africa. Genocide is when we killed over 2 million N. vietnamese, hundreds of thousands in Laos and Cambodia. Deliberately cause the Soviet Union to have to invade Afghanistan by us paying he Northern Front to blow up their sitys and even a nuke plant. WAR is The Largest Corporation US has. Jingos are all they want to hear. Deliberate ignorance is their mode of life.
  • 1 decade ago

    No and I'm sick of people always blaming the whole country for what a small group of people, in this case Congress, does.

    George Bush and his cronies are not America and do not speak for everyone in it. If these terrorists want to claim retaliation, let it be against him and the rest of the people who actually started the war in the first place, not the average guy on the street who had no say in the matter and is just trying to live day to day.

  • 1 decade ago

    we have the mass miltary to supposedly scare other countries out of doing anything to us and i'd say we not a war mongering nation anymore than the next guy cept canada and thier wussies but this president of ours is a total war monger remeber when he said i'll be remebered as "the war" president and how he's the decider and we won but the jobs not done..blah blah blah.... i really feel all wars we've been in are just cept the other time we went to the middle eat in the 80's and veitnam other than those i feel all wars where just..

    not need nessarily but justified

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  • John K
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Take a look at the back of a $1 bill. There are 2 circles depicting the Great Seal. The circle on the right features an eagle holding an olive branch in one talon and a clutch of arrows in the other. The olive branch represents our desire for peace and the eagle is facing toward it. The arrows represent our readiness to exercise our military strength when necessary (all diplomatic efforts exhausted).

    Consider the current situation in North Korea and in Iran. Both of those countries pose strong threats to the US and their regions. Yet, North Korea is presently resolving and Iran is beginning the process following peaceful efforts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    War is a way of life...Wars are fought to bring on peace, in a situation the threatens it. There will always be wars and always wars for peace..That is the price of peace and freedom. We are the ones that ante up.

    Source(s): USMC VietNam 1967-1969
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Peace requires war.

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Every country has a military proportional to what they can support, and we have a lot of capability. There's nothing wrong with having a large military. We have not been in war non-stop since we were founded, we've spent less time in wars than in peace-time. I don't know where you got that statistic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No --- rightly or wrongly, we ARE a nation bent on ensuring

    that the world provides freedom to it's various peoples (as

    we Americans view freedom). The world will always be at

    war for one reason or another until Argomendam (sp?)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    when we defend were wrong when we ignore were wrong......what the hell do you what us to do? "lets not get involved unless they attack war 1&2 happen! lets stop over hostile nations so they do not cause wide spread devastation and death........iraq&vietnam. people yes we are usually at war but it is because no one is ever happen in america and like to change the rules and morals of our nation and creating new rules of engagement. we liberate, free, and give them thier own government they STILL hate us! we give aid with no expectation to be repaid in anyway shape or form yet we still help foreign nations.

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