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Mike W
Lv 4
Mike W asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago


Do you think umpires get the respect they deserve?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have been a umpire for over 15 years.To answer your question you have to earn respect not just think it comes from putting on the gear.I have the respect from alot of players,coaches,and fans.At the Major League level there are those that get it because they earned it,and there are those that don't get any and justifiably so.I would much rather not get any recognition during a game,of coarse this means that I've had a good game officiating

    Source(s): 17 year College,High School Umpire
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being that respect should be earned (not bestowed), I think that, generally speaking, umpires do get the respect they deserve. I've known of some bad umpires (Art Williams comes to mind) and I think that he got MORE respect than he deserved.

    There will always be certain players who think that they are more important than the game and, therefore, abusive to umpires.

    Compared to other professional sports' officials, umpires, I believe, put up with a lot more abuse but, overall, they're fairly well respected.

  • 1 decade ago

    honestly I think they don't I think the worse officiating job is in baseball cause there are so many bang bang plays, and frankly I like the fact that it's not like controlled by computer to be 100% percise, cause it adds another level to the game... a third party human error... they can be just as important to any given game as the players themselves, take the AJ Persiinzky incident where he ran out what he said was a dropped third strike, and it kind of caught the umpire off gaurd, I didn't look into it that much, but I know from my experience as a catcher if theres any chance its a drop third strike you should always tag the runner anyways, since he's right there, it is just like insurance... but since the umpire supposedly didnt say ur out, he just said strike three, thats what they are supposed to do on a dropped third strike, so perzinsky ran to 1st and that changed the whole playoff picture!!! When coaches go out and yell at umpires, I feel bad for both the umpire and the coach cause, umpires have only one thing to think about and thats that they call a fair game and make sure all the rules are followed, coaches have so much **** to worry about, that when somethings going wrong they get picky and feel that they have to point the finger at someone when they are now that the coach is watching and waiting for the umpire to make a wrong move, or not even a wrong move, just do something that is disputable, the coach takes the chance to ridicule him and try and shed the blame of his teams struggles onto this is where umpires go wrong, in my many years of playing baseball, if an umpire says something back, like be quite, or stop yelling, the coach will likely find something to distract him from the game, but if the umpire takes as much as one step towards the dugout the coach instantly gets some kind of thought that the umpire disagrees with his bantering and that sets off the coach and the fight begins... I'm not saying its the umpires fault, but I mean the ones who approach players or coaches, or dont walk away from them, deserve to get yelled at... basketball and hockey officials are probably the next least respected, followed by football, just cause in football, theres so much more going on, nobody really argues with the refs...of all sports ive seen some horrible officiating calls in all sports, and I think its unfair for me to say negative things about them, but I know if I was an official for any sport, I sure would have a hard time trying to make split second decisions that are going to decide the outcome of a game and possibly more important things, playoff race, playoffs, championships... Because close calls can only go one way, I dont think there are any scenarios in sports that call for a tie, so either way u have to make a call that will be a good thing for one team, but a bad thing for the other... the hardest part would be, having to make more than one close call in a game, cause u'd think that if u just gave one to one team, and the other call to the other team it would be fair, but usually u know what the call should be... so no I dont think they get enough respect its a hard job, they have to know the game inside and out, take control of every situation or altercation, and keep the games even...

  • 1 decade ago

    NO!! they also get paid crap, and have to pay there own expences flights meals hotels, There used to be seprate AL NL umpires not any more so an ump could work a Yankee game on monday and then have to fly across country to a Giants game on Tuesday or wednesday, all the while all these million dollar players get a food allowance when they are on the road!!!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    No!!! Everyone plays or watches the game growing up. Which means everyone thinks they know as much or more than the umps. To become a major league ump is a long and difficult process. I'm amazed how good they really are.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that they get to much respect. They love to show up players and managers. There job is to call the game and let the players play not to be the center of the game.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, because they are in an impossible position where their perception is the games reality.

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago


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