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If a guy likes you, he calls when he says he's going to, right?


in response to dark lord's rant... he said he was going to call friday and i still haven't heard from him, get off mah back!

14 Answers

  • Rabbit
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thanx for posting this! I'm struggling with this one too. If my friend is an example the answer is no. He will tell me he is going to come into the office -and doesn't, he will call me that night - and doesn't. Really frustrating at times. Do I think he doesn't like me? No, I think he just gets busy or needs time to regroup.

  • 1 decade ago

    Guess what? Sometimes guys forget, and sometimes guys put things off.

    And guess what else, some guys have insecurities, and sometimes decide not to call because they think maybe you don't like him as much as he likes you, and doesn't want to be rejected. A guy who thinks he might be rejected or put down will be less likely to call just because he doesn't want his ego shot down, even if he is head-over-heels in love with you. The point is, some guys get scared, too, and for this reason they may do things that are irrational.

    So, to answer your question, just becasue a guy likes you does NOT mean that he will call you when he says he will, or even talk to you or even make eye contact with you. Some guys are scaredy-cats and don't know how to deal with their own emotions, much less yours.

    Don't take the fact that he didn't call to mean he isn't interested or doesn't like you. Maybe he is a jerk for not calling... but maybe he just needs to feel more confident that you want him to call and would appreciate some encouragement.

    And chiding him or criticizing him just because he didn't call might make the situation go farther south. If you want to bring it up with him (and give your relationship a chance), I'd suggest going up to him (one-on-one, not when he's with his buddies) and saying something like:

    "Hey, John, I was waiting for you to call me. Why didn't you call me last weekend? I really was looking forward to it. You should call me sometime soon."

    Don't ask in a condemning way. Ask because you sincerely want to know why he didn't call, tell him that you wanted him to call you, and encourage him to call you. If he brushes you off more, he is either very insecure and immature in his emotions and feelings, or he is an inconsiderate jerk.

  • If he says he is going to call, he should call if he likes you.

    Don't just assume that he will call immediately if he does not say this though. There is that hype about waiting 7 days or whatever the heck it is.

    He should call if he likes you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ha no ive been with my guy for 8 months and we are really in love and he never calls me when he says he will. but the guy may not like you, how do you know he does?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Get over yourself and quit making his life hell for not living up to your psycho-woman clingy schedule. It's not like you put out every time he wants, is it?

    He might have forgotten, or maybe his phone died... plenty of legitamate excuses... Of course maybe he doesn't FEEL LIKE calling you at that time and just didn't. You know we can do that, right? It's not like you control freaks can't be replaced by a girl who's NOT a freak.

    Source(s): P.S. He hasn't called you since Friday because you are psycho! He doesn't like you! It's all in your head! Put down the knife and stop calling his mother in the hospital, you freak!
  • 1 decade ago

    most of the time

    usually they call when they want to - they dont have a specific time even if they say so

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most of the time, but, you must remember, he is a guy and he will forget.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    don know

    the dog ate the phone #

  • 1 decade ago


    not really, remember that the guys are just afraid of relationships as we are. ans they also have there moments of uncertainty.

  • Maudie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I would like to say yes, but I'd be lying. It doesn't always happen...and it doesn't always mean he doesn't like you.

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