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I am not sure i believe in God anymore...?

I dont know what i believe anymore. I still go to church almost every sunday and wednesday & i just feel so empty. i became a Christian a few years ago. Im not sure WHY or HOW i started feeling this way. I dont feel like i can dedicate my life to anyone else anymore. I was never very good at reading my bible every day or praying every day either. I used to always feel guilty whenever i sinned, but not anymore. I feel so hopeless. I dont know if anybody else has some suggestions or anything?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I honestly don't know any christian that hasn't felt that way at one time.I'm not as good at daily reading as I should be either but if you keep spiritual friends around you it will help. You may not be getting the " spiritual food" you need to survive. If you starve your body of healthy food you won't die but you will see a difference in how you feel. Satan does all he can to take us away from God. All he has to do is to get us to stop serving God, he doesn't even have to tempt us to do bad. Please keep going and don't give up God will direct you and if you have trouble praying I'm sure that many who read this question will do it for you about this. I will.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are serious, you need to change churches. Find one that believes in real worship, and not just sitting there and one person at a time praying. Check a few of the "non-denominational" churches or Pentecostals.

    If there is no God, then you have to believe life originated by accident, which is totally ridiculous considering the complexity of a cell.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are lots of things that can explain this. I'm not a believer, either, but feeling hopeless is not an experience of most believers or non-believers. If you need some assistance figuring this out, either consult your pastor, a counselor, or your doctor. You could actually be depressed, and it is manifest in this change. Or you could be going through a crisis of faith and need some place to figure out what you believe.

    The bottom line: Don't suffer alone. Find someone to discuss these matters with.

    ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

  • 1 decade ago

    well im a muslim and i cant tell you that i believe in my religion 100% and the reason i know that there is only one God is number one if there were many Gods, the world would be in chaos because of struggle for ultimate power. number two because i find it very difficult that this whole world the solar system with its fragility was all just by chance. and third the quran is a form of proof for me because it has not a single contradiction in it vs. the bible (no offense to christians) which has like a thousand contradicitons in it. and last the reason why i believe there is a God and that keeps me having faith in islam is that it never seems like anythin is wrong its like everything ends up working for the better but ya im not trying to convert you or nothin im just telling you my experience

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  • 1 decade ago

    Revelations 2:1-7

    It happened to them it will also happen to you and I.

    David described it as the shadow of death.

    I don't know of a Christian who won't or hasn't gone through what your talking about.

    Its the same with a marriage, when you first start out there is nothing you wouldn't do to please one another.Then we lose our first love and the marriage starts to dwindle.Question is then is it worth it?

    Start praying and reading your Bible, fast,ask for prayers at church openly.Do whatever it takes to find yourself were you need and want to be. If you have secret sin in your life repent of it and tell that liar he can go back to Hell where he belongs.Jesus left the 99 and went after the 1.Right now He is looking for you.If you want to know how far He is from you just bow your head and whisper His name,Tell Him that you love Him and need His help.

    You could give us a update.Like I went to church yesterday and God spoke to my heart.I been praying for you.

    Still praying for you today.God Bless!

    Source(s): Jesus
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have, from time to time.

    I have been saved since 9, backslide from 13 to 41, am now 45.

    Went to Bible school and took courses of Spiritual warfare, and that is what you are going through now.

    Go to your Pastor and deacons and tell them what you have just said tonight, and request some courses on Spiritual Warfare. Don't lose the faith, I have felt what you have felt now, (been there, done that and got the T-shirt)

    Remember, Paul wrote that He had fought the good fight, he had finished the race, he had kept the faith, he did not say he won it, Christinanity is not about winning the fight against sin, it is about continuing to fight it.

    You see. Christ has already won the fight for us, we just have to show up and continue to overcome.

    Jesus said in Rev 3:5 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you a good person? What a question, most of us believe that we are good people because we can look around and find someone that is far worse than we are. We can always point to the things that we think make us a good person.

    But how good are we really? Dare we take this test and look at ourselves and see if we really are good? Hmmm.

    If you are willing try this and see just how good a person you are.

    The Good Person Test.

    How will you do? Pass or fail?

    Have you ever told a lie?

    Doesn't matter how big or small, just a lie.

    What does that make you? Before answering think about this, if I told you a lie what would you call me? A liar?

    Have you ever stolen anything? Cost doesn't matter, a piece of gum, failed to give back an ink pen that you borrowed, anything.

    What does that make you?

    Jesus said, "You know the saying of old, you shall not commit adultery but I say that if look at someone to lust after them you have committed adultery in your heart.

    Have you ever lusted?

    Jesus said that hate is equal to murder.

    Have you ever hated anyone?

    See one day we all are going to stand before a Holy God on Judgment Day and he is going to judge us based on His Holy Law, the Ten Commandments. These are just 4 of them and how did you do? Guilty? I have broken all of these and more, what about you? How well will you do on Judgment Day?

    If we break just one point of God's Law we are guilty of breaking all the law and Gods Wrath abides upon us all. Based on God's Law we are all guilty and all are deserving of punishment. But there is an out for us.

    Jesus paid the price for each one of us, took on himself God's Wrath so we wouldn't have to face it on our own. Jesus was beaten, battered, bleed and died so we wouldn't have to face God's Wrath. He rose again so that we would life in his presence. Our crimes, His payment.

    The real question is where will you stand on Judgment Day. Pay yourself or have it paid for you. Think about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Start asking God to re-ignite your passion for Him. Get into your bible and just read a little every day. Set up a time to read. I thought I'd never get out of the rut I was in, but I got off my *** and He met me halfway.

  • go to a different church... get more involved and not simply sit in the back of the room... get a study bible in a language that you can relate to, such as the NIV.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you might be depressed. Maybe you should see a doctor. Try taking an online depression test to see if you might have this. It will be ok. Things get better.

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