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jamesnjaime asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

How many times do I need to deworm my dog?

I've gone to the vet twice to treat the dog for tapeworm. A person at the shot clinic I went to said it sounded strange that the dog still has worms after 2 treatments. This particular vet is more expensive than those in the area...I'm wondering if I'm getting ripped off or if it takes a few times to get rid of the worms. My dog is 52lbs and does not have fleas.


My dog is a doberman so he has short hair and I constantly look for fleas since we go to the dog park a lot.

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    It all depends on what kind of life he has. I don't deworm my dogs often at all. They are in the house and are not allowed outside at any time unless I am with them. But as much as I try to watch what they get in to, things do happen. If you have your dog outside unsupervised, I would suggest deworming twice a year.

    Funny you should ask that question. I was out with one of my dogs and she found a tasty "cat treat" in the snow. I had her dewormed immediately. SHE PULLED A SNEAKY ON ME! lol

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My dog who is four years old now gets dewormed monthly from May until November. That is because he is on heartworm prevention medication. And it is normal dewormer also. But as the others have stated if they ingest fleas or all they eat is table scraps then they will needed to be dewormed more oftern. I know someone who only feeds their dogs table scraps and they have to deworm every month because they see the signs of worms. Hope this helps. For the person that made that comment about the vaccines having horrible side effects we are all entitled to our opions but dogs do need them. I mean if you do not get the rabies on in my state it is against the law you have ot have it and the distemper on they can get really sick from the diease this one prevents. Shots are a good thing espically for mulitipet homes. At least that is my two cents. I had a cat once and one day he stopped using his back legs and they said it was because of no shots he got a sickness that could have been prevented by a yearly shot. I had to have him put to sleep because he was suffering.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tapeworms have a life cycle ..and it usually has to be treated staged, 2 doses of the droncit/cestex.

    You may not think your dog has fleas, but if he/she has tapeworms...then ya do have some.

    You may not SEE fleas, because dogs groom themselves of adult fleas. It only takes one infected flea to get tape worms

    Your pet can pick up a few fleas during a walk, outside time and may eat them before the flea bites and has time to die from your flea control.

    Keep up with your frontline, treat your home./ should be able to keep it under control

    good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Try dipping the flea comb in rubbing alcohol when combing, it will stun the flea's and help locate them. Most likely fleas are the problem. Cleaning or getting new bedding may be a great help. Another possibility is if your dog is eating small rodents or fish (sushi?). Usually the medication works well the first round but, it is expensive!

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  • 1 decade ago

    It can take a few treatments sometimes to get rid of intestinal parasites. Are you sure you are treating for the correct intestinal parasite? Dewormers are made for specific intestinal parasites. If so then somewhere your dog it picking up fleas and reinfesting himself. Get him on a flea preventative to prevent this

    Source(s): I am a vet assistant
  • it will take a few times, i'm taking that the dog is taking probably panacur (it's really thick white liquid) all the medicine will have to be taken then another fecal test will have to be done to make sure all worms are gone, it does take a little longer to get rid of tapeworms also.

    Source(s): i'm a vet asst.
  • 1 decade ago

    It's a simple thing to solve. Check to see if your dog has worms everytime he goes to the bathroom. If he does get more medicine. If you want to try something else try an over-the-counter product and try to solve it.

    Source(s): my magnificent brain.
  • 1 decade ago

    well i don't know what to say other than tapeworms are transmitted by fleas so do what you will w/ that info

    Source(s): I'm a full time vet tech
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should trust your instincts and switch to another vet if youre not comfortable with the one you have.

  • 6 years ago

    boy are these answers useless!

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