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Riga, Latvia?

Can someone pls guide me a bit, i´m planning on going to Riga, Where can I get tourist maps or information? how can I get to the Turaida Castle from down town riga? Tips on where to go historical places etc,etc? Like how much in Lt somethings can cost eg. a meal at Mc donalds...or typical food... Thanks !!

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I went to Riga six years ago, and found it pricey, compared to Lithuania. It's a pretty city though. There is a very good, cheap guide for Eastern European cities called, "In Your Pocket." It's published several times and is roughly the size of a playbill. They are fairly cheap and can be found at any magazine kiosk. I'd grab one my first day in Riga, they're fairly inexpensive and better than any of the traditional guidebooks.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a nice site where u can get a lot of information about Latvia.

    That's another site which can help u. As well as site about virtual Riga

    To Turaida Castle u can get by bus or by taxi, it is not so far from Riga, Turaida Castle is in Sigulda

    Very interesting place and Castle to see is Rundale Castle, which is not far from Bauska, also reachable by bus.


    Source(s): Used to live.
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