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cheri b asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why do GOPers keep saying gays want special right?

They just want the same rights as anyone else.

Is it more about hate to the GOPers than it is about equal rights?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In response to some of the other answers:

    All humans should be able to marry whatever humans they want.

    Get it? (Of course they don't, but I had to respond to the "people will marry animals" garbage; and respond to the "they can marry anyone of the opposite sex" -- but they CAN'T marry the one they love."

    The reason they say that? So they LOOK like they support equal rights.

    Mostly, it's a line they've picked up from hate radio, and mindlessly repeat.

    Of COURSE it isn't about equal rights. It it were, they wouldn't start talking about marrying a duck or babbling about how we all have "the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex".

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    confident, 37 weeks is seen finished-term. 34-36 is seen pre-term and until now 34 weeks is untimely. i'm 37 weeks pregnant on the instant too. i became on mattress relax and drugs for 2 weeks because of the fact I had preterm contractions that have been 2 minutes aside etc the wellbeing middle they gave me a shot to sidestep preterm hard work. (this is whilst i became 33 weeks & 6 days pregnant). At my 36 week ultrasound, i became informed my toddler weighs approx. 6 kilos and 12 oz (must be off by making use of a one million/2 a pound). So, the rfile says it's going to be secure to have the toddler now, she could be totally developed. i do no longer plan on having her any day now, yet, if it happens, i would be happy! i think of the longer the toddler is in there, the greater effective, the fit. Oh and speaking of the medicine, the medical doctors shouldn't placed you back on it now which you're 37 weeks. you're seen interior the secure zone now. nicely, sturdy success to you. it is my first, i'm apprehensive relating to the hard work and transport. i want a organic vaginal transport and that i'm hoping all is going nicely with me and my woman baby. Congrats. we are due on an identical day! YEAH! we are going to be giving thank you around THANKSGIVING!

  • The "equal rights/special rights" sloganeering is just semantics.

    I prefer to discuss the substance and ignore the labels.

  • 1 decade ago

    The GOP is a group of men who are all in the closet. They are clueless on what to say to hind the fact from their wives. As you can see their agurement is foolish and is a step backwards in time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's very simple. Everyone has the right to marry someone of the opposite gender.

    Gays want the right to marry someone of the same gender. That is a special right.

    Whether you are in favor of them having it, or not in favor of them having it, call it what it is, a special right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gays already have the same rights as the rest of us. The special rights that they're looking for mostly is the right marry in the same sex.

    Nobody has that right. I can't marry a man either. I'm sure not a homo, but if I wanted to marry another man for my own reasons, I wouldn't be permitted.

    There is no law that discriminates against homos that I know of.

  • 1 decade ago

    They have the same rights as everyone else. Protection under the Constitution. Marrying the same sex is no right, it is an illness.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you. They just want the same rights as everyone else. A large part of the conservative base is made up of social and Christian conservatives. By denying rights to gays they solidify their base. Hate has nothing to with it, it is all about votes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If a black attacks a white person, is that labeled a hate crime? If a gay gets attacked that sure is. They don't want equal rights they want special rights. Just like affirmative action. Any time you protect a specific group of people over another you no longer have equal rights. Gays as Americans enjoy the same rights as anyone else. So what is all the fuss about? Shoving their agenda down my throat is not going to make me accept it ay better. I also don't care for gangs, white trash, or trash people of any kind.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's the problem

    Let's say that gays get marriage rights. They want to get married in a church that refuses to perform the ceremony, on religious grounds. They sue for discrimination, even if said church's policy is in line with the basis of their faith.

    That would completely destroy separation of church and state and effectively give government a say in church doctrine.

    That's not a situation this country needs.

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