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katie d asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

Animal help in Los Angeles County?

I saw a house in Van Nuys, Ca. with probably 15-20 cats outside in poor condition and I saw many more inside today. An elderly lady lives there and I suspect she is a hoarder. I called the East Valley Animal Shelter to report the abuse and to tell them of the condition of the cats and they were not really interested in helping. They said they needed to send out a letter to the owner first then they would respond to the owners response. I couldn't believe it. I told them I wondered if the cats would respond to the letter if they were still alive when it arrived. We don't have a lovely program like animal precinct in NYC or Phoenix or Miami or Houston or Detroit, we in Los Angeles county have no support system for abused animals, Does anyone out there know where to turn to for help? Poor kitties need help. They looked sick and underfed and in need of rescuing fast.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Chances are that this little old lady has nothing else to live for but her cats.. Older people live on a fixed income and maybe the cats were roaming the neighborhood and she decided to feed them. You might want to be neighborly and bring her a few 20 pound bags of good cat food occasionally.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hoarding is usually an obsessive compulsive disorder. The person who has all the cats usually thinks the cats are in fine condition and just get more if they are just taken away from them with out being dealt with slowly. Try and call the police. Have you seen the owner in the past couple of days? Try checking. If it was someone elderly then maybe they could have passed away with out anyone knowing. Or maybe the owner is in the hospital. This would obviously be considered animal cruelty so I'm thinking if you called the police they would go and check it out or advise the Humane Society to check it out.

  • There is a lovely program in MA that resuces and adopts city cats with Horse Barn owners. See if you can gather some friends and start a program. When we had a stray cat problem, we made a special deal with a vet in town and trapped a cat a week and spayed or neutered it. Pretty soon, the cats stopped reproducing and the population went down.


  • 1 decade ago

    i live in los angeles county, and from what i know, shelters arent very enthusiastic about helping poor could try going to a police station? Just keep trying to help the poor kittens

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can call the cops after 10 pm only if you are a neighbor complaing of wild cat noises coming from her house...distrubing the peace

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