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My husband is kind of hard on my son from a previous marriage is he jeleous of my son?

I just feel he criticizes my child all the time he hates my ex husband which is the child's father and he is always telling my child that he is just like his Dad it hurts me so much. I don't know what to do this child was beat by his real Dad and all he want's is to be accepted he is only seven years old.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, he is not jealous of your son, he is jealous of your ex and seeing your son reminds him of your previous relationship.

    You need to stop it NOW, I was abused by my step father physically and emotionally from 6 years old until I was 15 because just by him looking at me, it reminded him of my birth father.

    It will devastate your son for years, if not forever. It will give him anger, resentment, trust issues and so many other things.

    This is unacceptable and you need to put your foot down. If he does not stop it, then you need to decide who is more important, your son or your new husband

  • 1 decade ago

    The same thing is happening with my seven year old grandson. It's so sad. I believe some education for your husband is warranted. I can understand his feelings toward the boys father. But this child is an innocent. Your husband can't realize how much he is hurting your son. Your husband may be dealing with some insecurities as well. Maybe you can get him to seek counseling as a family for "your son".

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yeah he sounds jealous, and really wrong. Why would he tell a 7 year old that he is just like his father (who was abusive). He is setting the poor little guy up to be a messed up adult. Your son needs love and support and your husband needs to know that. He has the opportunity to cultivate a son who will love and respect him but instead he is cultivating a teen and later adult who will hate him and cause bigger problems.

    You should tell your husband that your son will always come first (he should already know this) and that one way for you and he to be closer is for him to take a more friendly parental role towards your son. That insulting your son and putting him down will only drive you two apart.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need, in my opinion, to make your husband stop this BS. It is not fair, the way he is treating this child. He should not be saying this crap to your child either.

    I'm sorry, but if it comes down to your husband or your kid, you'd better side with that child. The child was first, before he ever came in the picture.

    Decide whether you want your child growing up with this kind of verbal abuse, and take a moment and imagine what kind of person your son is going to be if he has to live with this throughout childhood.

    Your child needs love, not judgement.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What your husband is doing is pretty low. You want a partner who will help your child grow, not hate being home. You have to tell your husband that what he is doing is unacceptable and hurts you, your child and your child's overall sense of well-being. If he still criticizes your son, you MUST get counseling with your husband, and always let your son know that you love your kids and will support them no matter what.

  • tanner
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is so wrong. Your current husband is either jealous of your son or just doesn't know how to handle children. You need to tell your husband this has to stop NOW. And if it doesn't, you have to divorce him, your child, your own flesh & blood, the innocent minor who can't take care of himself needs someone to stand up for him & teach him self confidence. No child needs to hear how bad one of his parents is by anyone even if it is true. Your husband is verbally abusive & a poor role model. He is ruining your sons self asteem. If this situation doesn't change soon, your son is going to grow up being messed up. Be strong, set down the rules & stick by it. If your current husband doesn't change, leave him. You lived your life, now it's time for your son to live his & he does not need to live it like this. Teach him how to be strong by setting a good example, tell him you love him, encourage him to do well, & tell him good job - he needs self confidence & someone he can trust.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell your husband to shape up where your son is concerned or ship out. The child comes first.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yea, it sad. Children just want to be loved and encouraged. I not know what to really tell you. Your husband need to make a bond now and not a future enemy, and believe me, your son will resent him in time and then the fight will be on. If, you not understand what I mean you will if your husband not get an attitude adjustment.

  • 1 decade ago

    WHOA!!! u need to decide: your husband or your own flesh and blood??? there shouldnt even be a debate with that! u tell your husband what he's doing and let him kno that u refuse to sit there and watch him treat YOUR son like that! u shouldnt tolerate it for a split second!!! what kind of mother are you???

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is just wrong.Your new husband needs to bond with your son,develope they're own relationship FAST

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