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is valtrex ever prescribed for the coldsore strain of the herpes virus?

i have a friend who found out her partner is taking valtrex 3 times a day as needed for coldsores.....he told her that valtrex is prescribed once daily for life for those people with genital herpes and that he takes it 3 times a day when he feels like he is getting a cold this information accurate????

7 Answers

  • rosieC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Genital herpes (pronounced: hur-peez) is caused by a virus called herpes simplex (HSV). There are two different types of herpes virus, which are called HSV-1 and HSV-2. Most forms of genital herpes are HSV-2, however, a person with HSV-1 can transmit the virus through oral sex to another person's genitals. Genital Herpes is painful, irritating and embarrassing.

    HSV-1 causes the cold sores or fever blisters(sometimes found with flu and fever) that appear on or around the mouth, lips, or nose of many people. Most people have a cold sore at one time or another. It can be transmitted (passed from person to person) by sharing eating utensils or from kissing someone with a cold sore.

    The other type of herpes, HSV-2, is a sexually transmitted disease(STD) . It causes herpes sores in the genital area, and it is transmitted through intimate sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal sex), especially from unprotected sex. Because the virus does not live outside the body for long, you cannot catch genital herpes from an object, such as a toilet seat.

    Valtrex is the oral drug of choice for genital herpes. Genital Herpes is contagious and more so at its infectious or contagious stage. It's not contagious when its DORMANT(latent or sleeping state) ; until the next outbreak. . Consequently, sex should be avoided when sores ( it's most contagious; when the blisters have burst open and there's weep fluid) are present. However, protected sex ; with condomns should always be recommended.

    There is another condition which causes ulcers inside the mouth known as Canker sores which are not a form of herpes, however, they are often confused and mistaken for cold sores.

    Canker sores are ulcerations, especially of the lip or oral mucosa and can be caused by acute stress, trauma to the area in your mouth, allergies, or by a reaction to a particular bacteria.

    Canker sores are not considered to be contagious. Cold sores and mouth herpes on the other hand are caused by the herpes simplex virus and can be very contagious

    I tend to have frequent outbreaks with canker sores due to an allergic reaction to peanuts and chocolates. This however is not contagious. I use Camphorphenique or carmex or orajel to anesthethize the area.

    Cold sore outbreaks can sometimes be triggered by the following:

    Being run-down

    Menstruation Cycle


    Drinking a lot of alcohol

    Exposure of the area to strong sunlight

    Conditions that compromise a person's immune system (where the body's immune system is not functioning normally)

    Prolonged periods of stress


    Ultraviolet light

    Skin irritation (such as sunburn)

    Diet and certain foods

    Another illness (especially with fever)

    Temperature extremes

    Steroid medication (e.g., asthma medication)

    Anything that lowers your immune system or causes local injury can trigger recurrences.

    Chloraphor is the drug of choice for cold sore. Choraphor is a topical application (applied externally to the skin) that eliminates the herpes virus on direct contact.

    Choraphor works by eliminating a maximum amount of the virus particles that appear during an active cold sore outbreak.This reduces the amount of virus population going back into the nerves and other tissues, giving your immune system greater control over the virus.

    After using Choraphor there are typically fewer cold sores Other treatments are ice, cold tea bags applications and petroleum jelly.

    Warn this friend of yours that her sex partner is lying to her and he's fooling himself and her as well as being irresponsible.

    Source(s): professional nurse and yahoo search
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): I Cured My Herpes -
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


    Source(s): Kill herpes 100% with this...
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes, there isn't any. Herpes is caused by a virus. Actually, there is little cure for viruses nowadays. The only thing that you can generally do in the case of a viral infection is strengthen the immune system and hope it fights it off. Not with Herpes, the immune system can't win against it. Thus you only get to treat the symptoms. Once you're infected, it stays with you for life. So don't get infected.

    Personal experience. I have had genital herpes for over 5 years.

    The #1 Herpes Cure Program?

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  • 6 years ago

    I got identified with herpes simplex virus (type 2) about 4 years ago, when I was still in college and had a dumb one-night stand. I understand lots of young women say this, but I swear I had never done that sort of thing before. I just made a huge mistake that one time and all of a sudden it seemed like I was going to have to live with the implications for my entire life. The hardest part was feeling I could never date other men again. In the end, who wants to go out with someone who has sores around her "you know what" area? But since a friend shared this video everything got better.

    Not only was I able to eliminate all traces of the hsv from my system in less than 21 days, but I was also able to start dating again. I even met the man of my dreams and I'm so lucky to write that just a week ago, in front of everybody in a crowded restaurant, he got down on one knee and proposed to me!!! This program provided the opportunity to be happy and experience true love again. Now I hope that I can help others by sharing this story.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    particular, chilly sores are a variety of herpes general as Herpes a million. it particularly is rather basic. 70% of folk over 20 have it, so it rather is totally basic. maximum people capture it as little ones, sharing toys with different little ones, or from their mum and dad. Herpes a million grows the final in the mouth, and because little childrens placed each and everything of their mouth, it rather is the way it spreads. there is likewise Herpes 2, that's considered the main considerable rigidity of genital herpes. it is likewise very basic - 25% of the inhabitants have it. yet Herpes a million (chilly sores) does not strengthen o.k. on the genitals, and Herpes 2 (genital herpes) does not strengthen o.k. in the mouth. So is it achieveable to grant a companion Herpes a million on their genitals? particular, yet in basic terms including your mouth, and it rather is impossible. Herpes a million in basic terms makes up approximately 20% of genital herpes infections. something is all Herpes 2. in case you're appearing oral intercourse on a companion, do not do it in case you have a chilly sore. otherwise, i does not undertaking approximately it in any respect.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    ¡Ánimo! Para curar el herpes, lo primero que tienes que hacer es no tocártelo mucho, no vaya a ser que se te infecte y se te queden las marcas del herpes, o te hagas daño en la zona. Aunque moleste o aunque te entren ganas, déjatelo en paz.

    Luego, si te quieres curar el herpes y hacerlo bien, lo mejor es que acudas a remedios naturales. El herpes ha existido desde mucho antes que la medicina y no son pocos los remedios para el herpes que existen.

    Te dejo aquí un enlace de uno muy bueno, para que le eches un vistazo.

    ¡Un saludo!

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