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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

i heard if dogs eat chocolate, die ... is that true?


23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends on the kind of chocolate and the size of the dog. Vets say the biggest problem with it is when a dog tastes it they want more. This can cause the dog to steal it or otherwise find it on his own.Chocolate contains theobromine which is a stimulant. It causes increased urination and affects the central nervous system and heart. Yes it can kill a dog. Dark chocolate is much worse than milk chocolate. My Dobe stole all the kids Easter chocolate and on Easter morning there was none and the dog was okay but likely only because the dog weighed 109 lbs. and it was milk chocolate.A small dog could die eating just a little dark chocolate.

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG all of you people need to get your facts straight before you even think about answering these questions. YES chocolate IS very fatal to dogs no matter what breed or what size! Milk chocolate isn't as toxic as dark cooking chocolate or after dinner mints but in higher quantities can have the same end result.....DEATH! I see this kind of thing everyday at work as a vet nurse and know how toxic chocolate can be. My advice to all of you is, if you have pets find them better homes because if you can't understand that something potentially fatal is no concern for your breed you shouldn't own pets!

  • 1 decade ago

    Dogs eating chocolate does not ensure that they will die, although chocolate is poisonous to them so it will make them sick and usually vomit. If the dog eats a lot of chocolate, especially smaller dogs, they can die from it, although sometimes a vet can help them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it's true.

    When a dog eats chocolate, they crave more (because it tastes so nice). The problem is that chocolate contains something called theobromine. This increases urination and affects the central nervous system as well as heart muscle. Theobromine is lethal to dogs, so even if your dog is begging for it, don't give him/her any.

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  • 1 decade ago

    They certainly can, depending on how much they eat and what type of chocolate. I believe cooking chocolate is worse than dessert chocolate. But it's not worth risking a dog's health to find out - keep dogs away from it!

  • 1 decade ago

    As a general rule, giving dogs chocolate on purpose is NOT a good idea. The problem with chocolate is the theobromine and the caffeine content. Theobromine, if ingested, can cause hyperactivity, vomiting/diarrhea, increase urination, irregular/rapid heartbeat, seizures and tremors. Caffeine content can also cause hyperactivity, rapid heartbeat, tremors and seizures as well. When it comes to chocolate and dogs, here are some helpful guidelines for how much is too much:

    Milk Chocolate - one ounce per pound of body weight (more is harmful)

    Semi-Sweet Chocolate - one ounce per 3 pounds of body weight

    Baker's Chocolate - one ounce per 9 pounds of body weight (this is the most dangerous of all)

    The other issue I see is the milk you're adding. Dog's do not possess the enzyme that is necessary to digest dairy products. It's not a deadly thing, but you'll suffer some concequences, nonetheless. Fragrant diarrhea (or terrible gas build-up) may very well follow.

    As many others have mentioned other harmful foods, here is my own laundry list of dangerous foods:

    - alcohol (duh)

    - anti-freeze (duh again)

    - avocado (can be lethal - guacamole too)

    - broccoli (can cause upset stomach in large quatities)

    - grapes/raisins (just 6 grapes CAN kill a dog)

    - raw eggs (Avidin in it can cause major deformations)

    - fatty foods (can trigger pancreatitis in prone dogs)

    - liver (can cause vitamin A toxicity)

    - mistletoe (in larger amounts, generally)

    - mothballs (duh)

    - nuts (can cause bladder stones, and many other debilitating conditions)

    - green potatoes (contain solanum alkoids that can be dangerous)

    - Plants (like rhododendron, azalea, oleader, rhubarb, cycads, yew, and other houseplants)

    - nutmeg (can cause seizures and death)

    - onions (one small onion can contain enough thiosulphate to kill a dog)

    - salmon (especially raw, can cause salmon poisoning disease that can kill a dog within days)

    - salt (can trap gas in the intestines and kill a dog)

    - sugarless candy/gum (xylitol can cause liver damage)

    - tomatoes (contain atropine, a dangerous substance)

    - yeast dough (will rise in the stomach and can cause a rupture in the stomach or intestines)

    - fruit pits/seeds (apple seeds contain arsenic ... so do peach pits)"

    Also, to respond top some other posts ... milk chocolate CAN kill a dog, it just takes more of it than, say, baker's chocolate. Also, chicken bones can be perfectly fine for a dog, but not cooked chicken bones (when cooked, the bones get brittle and splinter ... raw bones are usually fine, as many dogs on a BARF diet (bones and raw food) eat entire pieces of chicken whole, bones and all). Dogs can absolutely digest human foods ... every meat and vegetable out there was animal food before it was ever human food! Animals have been around longer than humans. It's the cooking/seasoning process that might make some foods not ok for dogs. But many raw or cooked (not seasoned) "human foods" are not only ok for dogs, but are actually very good for them!

    Source(s): another Y!answerer
  • Sabina
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Chocolate is toxic to dogs. It contains a couple of substances that can make the heart beat irregularly and possibly cause problems. Don't give chocolate to dogs.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not always true. i have 3 small dogs and they got into a bowl of chocolate before and they were just fine. other dogs like bigger dogs tend to get sicker by eating chocolate. but it all depends on what kind of health it has.

    Source(s): my dogs got into chocolate before and they were find. when i took my dog to the vet before i saw a big dog who had eaten chocolate and he looked kinda bad.
  • DP
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The theobromine in chocolate makes it poisonous to dogs. The darker the chocolate the more poisonous it is. A little bit of milk chocoate isn't going to kill a dog, but it really isn't good for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it's true. Small amounts are okay, but what you have to realize is these small amounts build up in their body, or at least it takes a while for them to digest it. Bottom line is, make sure your dog doesn't get into chocolate.

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