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what to do in Vegas...?

My girlfriend and i are going to be in Las Vegas for the night and want to know if there is anything fun and free going on on Sunday night...Please let me know!


Umm I said FREE!!! AS in nOT SPENDING MONEY!!!

7 Answers

  • jack
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hundreds of free things to do in LV

    The Fountains of Bellagio

    Volcano - Mirage

    Go "window" shopping

    The Forum Shops - Caesars Palace

    Desert Passage - Aladdin

    Grand Canal Shoppes - Venetian

    Free sights

    Statue of Liberty/Brooklyn Bridge - NY NY

    Eiffel Tower - Paris

    Watch Sports

    Super Book at the Las Vegas Hilton



  • 1 decade ago

    There's the light show in downtown Las Vegas (I think it's called the Main Street Experience or something like that). There are all kinds of things to see in the casinos that are free, like the tigers are on display for Sigfriend and Roy's shows (or they used to be). There are also the shops at Caesar's Palace that are fun to just walk around and look at. Just people watching is fun! And there's a pirate show in front of another casino and the fountains at the Mirage. You'll have a great time!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know him, but I live here and Jack gave you the best answer.

    Here's another good Vegas website:

    Also when you get here, pick up the free magazines at the bell desk. Most of the time you will find 2 for 1 coupons in case you want to do something that costs money.

    And one more thing, Mt. Charleston, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, Valley of Fire and Red Rock Canyon are all great places to visit around Vegas especially if you enjoy outdoor activities like hiking or biking.

    HAVE FUN!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Apart from walking up and down looking at the Hotel displays / shows - window shopping - etc not really that much for free

    Las Vegas is really the last place to go with no money - and is that the image you want your gf to remember.

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  • 1 decade ago

    the fountain light show at the bellagio is ALWAYS fun. Go at night when it is dark. They always choreograph the music to the lights and fountains. Its pretty cool. I think they do it every 30 min- 1hr.

    free, fun, romantic. :)

    Also, go to Old Vegas and walk the street. You can see the old glam and they have REALLY cheap margaritas!

    and by the way...the above mention of the effiel tower. it is NOT free. You have to pay to go up. but it is still pretty cool!

    Source(s): If you want a cool book get TOP TEN Vegas. It is like 7 bucks and pocket size with really cool tips!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nothings free in vegas, except the drinks if you're gambling! save your money, then go.

  • 1 decade ago

    go to casinos and spend money!

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