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New videogame consoles destroying the gaming world?

Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are cramming SO much into these new systems to the point where many of them break down. I can only eat so much.. put a delicious cupcake in front of me when I'm full? NO I'm not gonna eat it! But these companies keep stuffing these systems with cupcakes when many of us just want to play a videogame after work or school for an hour or two. Why not just have all this extra crap added on for those who actually want it? Guess what Sony, most of us already have DVD players that work just fine so please concentrate on releasing a system with good games than with special DVD mumbojumbo.

My 360 had the freezing problem so I got a credit for it, did I get a new one? No way. Because with all the stuff crammed into it, most likely the next one I get will have issues too!

What do you think about these new consoles?


I agree, I shouldnt have included Nintendo. Thats the only company thats actually working on new ideas to make the games themselves more fun.

New systems *should* be concerned with making the systems more powerful, better graphics and like what the Wii has done, innovate ideas for the games themselves.

Nintendo was innovative and didnt add so much extra crap that they had to make the system $400-600 bucks.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As far as microsoft well what can anyone say -----the mighty unhackable vista has been hacked and microsoft had to patch it. Microsoft's problem is instead of creating a unique OS specific for gaming on the XBOX they reworked the old and are left with vunerablilities and configuration issues.

    You may have dvd player but for those of us with an hdtv we appreciate the blue ray.. By the way did you know games are produced on the blue ray format so if the developers that use the full disk space --the games are huge without having to switch disks.

    Blue ray has way more storage capacity than dvd or hddvd.

    The other offerings on ps3 are OS based so it doesn't interfere with gaming at all. Sony has a gaming specific OS.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you only with Microsoft and Sony. Nintendo basically took the games of the 64, the smooth gameplay and graphics of the GC and made it into one fun new system. The 360 and PS3 are miniature PC-DVD-iPod-Camera-Video game playing machines. Who needs all this extra stuff. With the 360, you're paying for a 20GB HDD that is 8GB full of system requirements. I don't need a good graphics card to play games. Heck, I still play the original Doom, do those have good graphics? No, just fun, smooth gameplay. Just give me Video game compatible, internet access for online play, and leave alot of space for game saves. But, they are video games, and I wouldn't go as far as to say that they are destorying the gaming world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have to disagree with you there about the new videogame consoles destroying the gaming world. If you are really into graphics, then your PS3 or an Xbox 360 person. If your just into gaming, not into the graphics that much, then the Wii is for you, with many classic downloadable games.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Doubt it. there is assorted flaws with the element. one million. because of the fact it is going to be streaming content cloth, it is going to soak up assorted bandwidth, and in recent times, maximum ISP are proscribing how plenty bandwidth a guy or woman can use each and each month, so for the hardcore game enthusiasts, it incredibly is going to be a concern except they do no longer techniques paying greater for countless bandwidth. 2. There are nevertheless greater offline gamers than there are on line gamers. 3. on line streaming would desire to be the subsequent enormous element, yet for now, it is not. 4. i think you pay with your mastercard, yet you recognize there are nevertheless assorted people who're paranoid approximately getting their very own suggestions stolen over the internet, so as that they may be afraid to purchase OnLive. 5. it is a stupid call. it materials up pirates, whether it is in basic terms going to attraction to greater hackers.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i agree completely especially the ps3 those games were a peice of crap and half the ps2 games didnt work on it

    however i LOVE the wii an itneractive gameplay system is possibly the best idea ever

  • 1 decade ago

    mmmmm.... i love cupcakes.

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