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Starbucks Sizes always the same?

Starbucks cup sizes Size name Volume

Short 8 fl oz. (236 ml)

Tall 12 fl oz. (354 ml)

Iced Tall 12 fl oz. (354 ml)

Grande 16 fl oz. (473 ml)

Iced Grande 16 fl oz. (473 ml)

Venti 20 fl oz. (591 ml)

Iced Venti 24 fl oz. (710 ml)

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nope. Depends on where you are. I can say for sure that in the Denver, Las Vegas, minneapolis and Chicago airports they are WAY smaller than the size in my hometown.

  • 5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Haven't been to B&N Starbucks since I started working at a real Starbucks, so I'm not sure... BUT Any Starbucks inside another business, such as B&N or Target, is not run by corporate's managed by whatever store it is in, and just sells Starbucks products. Therefore, they don't always do things the same way as they would at a regular Starbucks. It may just be a trick of your mind, but the B&N cups are probably from another manufacturing company so they could be different sizes. The one in the Target near where I live does a lot of things differently...and our customers are always like, "Well, the one in the Target did this, blah blah blah" and we have to explain that they can get away with not doing it 'right' b/c they aren't corporate. They are also hired by Target, so they aren't trained in the same way that we are.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Starbucks Grande Ml

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My daughter is a Starbucks manager. The Iced cups are larger to hold the ice. Volume of liquid is the same for hot/cold drinks. I think that's what you are asking.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I Don't Get what your'e trying to ask.

  • i dont understand what you are trying to ask.


  • karen
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    yo no comprende

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