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I need a DR. House?

I have been dealing with an epsodic attacks. This has left me with a tracheostomy. I was a 32 year old healthy nurse. In may of last year I fell to the ground at my sons baseball game unable to breath. I have since experienced over 30 simular attacks. I can not breath dispite the trach. unless assisted by ventaliton. Breaking every blood vessel in my face while having this attack is the newest of symptoms. These attacks last from hours to a day. Usuallyx-ray revelies fluid in lungs. I have seen every speciality Dr. I know of and no one has a clue. This past week I was in Teneseee Visiting my mom, while being air lifted to Nashville no one there still knows what could be causing what i consider to be life threating respitory failure attacks. I am awaiting an appointment at the mayo clinic, hoping for some anwsers. I just wish there was a real life House who would take my case.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Michelle

    You are feeding your body bad energy for one by focusing on the negative, instead of the positive. Here is a list of ideas I would do. Just doing one could change your health.

    ANY Action is the key. Here is what I would do:

    1. The 1st thing to do is write a list of all the things your thankful for in life and starting with your health. I want you to write a few paragraphs on how beautiful and healthy you feel every day! This is very important, so you're brain/body starts to heal itself immediately by feeding your cells positivity. What you focus on will persist! If you focus on negative then you attract more negative. The same goes for positive. Write out your perfect day in detail as you have here on your health. Include your family, health, money, friends, job, ect. I want you write exactly what you want and be excited when you write it! This is important! Just a change of attitude will start healing you. The body breaks down when people are not balanced and usually because they are not grateful for the things they currently have. Writing is a very powerful tool and take this serious. Place it where you can see it and FEEL the love and power in the letter and the energy surrounding you.

    2. Are you drinking a gallon of distilled water a day? I do this daily and add some lemon to it (mornings) because it stimulates the liver which creates more bile for healing and even helps lose weight. I cannot stress enough the importance of drinking water. This is the most important physical item we americans dont understand (or act ignorant about).

    3. You need to get a juicer ( has the best value) right away. You need to be juicing for nutrition and on a juice fast for 7 days or More. Healing the body starts with feeding good enzymes and this is the 1st step with nutrition. There is a great program on called "The Incurables" and is a 30-45 day program. The program also consists of doing a colon, liver, and kidney cleanses to help the organs get back to their true selves, so they can help heal the body. Ridding of toxins is the key and these main organs know how to do that. When you let the body rest from digesting processed foods and instead feed it nutrition: "The body will heal itself, all it needs is some assistance". This is what you need to do to truely get back to your healthy self.

    4. Pain issues are another sign the body is unbalanced. Hydrotherapy can start the healing very quickly. This process has been around for thousands of years and can heal exclusively if done consisently. Using hot and cold water to stimulate new blood cells in the diseased areas of the body.

    5. You need yourself metally and emotionaly balanced as I mentioned in the 1st paragraph. Do you live with emotions on your sleeve? Feeling guilty, stressed just because, depressed, ect. You must find the love in the world and it's everywhere. We are all connected and be appreciative of all the positive and negative situations in your life. Even the so called negatives are teaching our souls to act and be sure to look for the good in everything.

    6. Energy healing is very beneficial. From Pranic to Reiki are very effective on moving diseased energy out of the body. Everything is made up of energy (even scientists agree to this), so why cant we change out energy to be healthy consistantly. THis would help you balance out your energy chakras.

    I know this is probably overwelming info here, but reaching out to people is a great step on deciding you've been sick long enough and you're ready to take control of your life/health. I dont care what you do, but you have to try any of the above an/or try chriropractor, acupunture, swimming, and/or run around the block naked! Dare to be different!

    Making decisions and just saying "Ive had enough" and taking daily steps you will heal faster than any doctor could help you.

    Best of health to you

    Source(s): experienced healing and educating many years
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm no Dr. House but I have had some success with getting noticed. I would offer the following suggestion:

    Get on your computer and draft a document that chronologically outlines your attacks with as many symptoms as you can include. Use medical terminology because this will end up in the hands of doctors.

    The document will probably be several pages long. Stay with facts and be as brief as possible without leaving out anything. I would treat it like a job resume', i.e. short is best but it must be complete.

    Once you have it down and are satisfied makeup a brief cover letter so it easy to insert different names.

    Get on the web and get mailing addresses for every respiratory specialist and diagnostician you can find. Don't forget to send copies to medical journals and also include trauma centers.

    I wish I could do more but my only claim to medical expertise is having been a CPR instructor. As a nurse I'm sure know the facial hemorrhaging you discussed is caused by elevated BP and the resulting rupture of capillaries. I would expect that on a patient who, while conscience, was fighting for air. It isn't a good thing but at least your body is doing everything possible to get the last bit of oxygen out of your blood.

    The very best to you. If you need any help with the document I can be reached through my profile. I'll do whatever I can to help.

  • 1 decade ago

    I suppose you've r/o recurrent ARDS or any abnormality of your lung tissue. Any abnormalities in the chest wall? Man, I hate to read about this happening to anyone but to a fellow nurse.....I'm thinking....diaphragmatic paralysis, phrenic nerve d/o, insufficient pulmonary minute ventilation. I presume you're still trach to vent. Any known or suspected contact with any toxins of any sort, including meds. The fluid in the lungs may be from ruptured alveoli.

    I think a team of doctors needs to witness an event if they already done so and I'll keep searching. And I don't believe the ones who have no idea what you're talking about yet they answer anyway. Nursing home??? And that one who tells you to drink juice???!! Maybe you should reach out to the medical community as was suggested. Give them labs & diagnostic reports too.

    Source(s): I'm a nurse.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you seen a pulmanologist ?

    I know that they are kinda rare in your part of the country

    sounds a tad like exercised induced COPD

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a house??

    to like take care of youu??

    dangg. if you find one tell me about it please!!! =]

    {why dont u just live in a nursing home?? or hire someone to live with you, that could watch over youu??]

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