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Does the U.S.A. know how to raise men?

I look at the responses on this site and I am completely disheartened. The boys in this country are taught (in liberal schools) to run away from the call to duty. The enrollment rate of young men in college is at an all time low. The district attorney is overwhelmed by fathers who abandon their responsibility. What is happening and WHO could possibley believe that the United States is not going to be destroyed from within?

This is a question about our MEN. I am fully aware that our girls have their own set of issues.


To those of you who choose to raise MEN – thank God.

For those of you offended by my question, you need to ask yourself why.

I do study science and am a big fan of Michael Gurian who has done extensive research on how the boys in this country have been disenfranchised by the “factory”

setting of the school system.

Update 2:

Sorry madbaggage - where on this site does it say that all questions have to be posted to the world forum? This was a question intended to be addressed to people in the U.S.A.

Update 3:

I know about the 82nd Airborne and thank you for your service. My husband is attached to the 82nd and presently serving in Afghanistan. HUA!

Update 4:

For those of you choosing to blame feminism - I hear you. However, what has feminism got to do with raising men, serving your country, and not paying child support. Tell a hungry kid that feminism is the reason - dad.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think we DO have problems with how our young men are raised !!

    Divorce rates leave boys without fathers solid role-models.

    Television (MTV videos in particular) give young men crappy role-models.

    Boy Scouts Troops are dying out because they aren't permitted to use City/ State facilities because they "discriminate" against gay-leaders.

    Teen-jobs aren't as available because of restrictions, unions, and corporate influence.

    I grew up in the 60's-80's... amazingly enough in California !! BUT I was fortunate enough to have parents who stayed married, a Montana-raised father, Boy Scouts, and a neighborhood filled with engineers and US Navy officers.

    Secularism and Liberal-socialism IS destroying California.

    I moved to a rural area where my wife and I can raise our BOY to be a man... and our Girls to be ladies ! And the eldest girl just applied to the USN Academy.

    Source(s): 15 yr Naval Aviation veteran
  • I think a lot of responses on this site are foreigners pretending to be Americans, or have anti-American agenda (our national will is considered to be a weakness by most of the Communist-bloc countries)..

    As far as in the homeland, do we know how to raise men, well no.. men do not raise men anymore, and if they try, they have an uphill battle with the effects of twenty-five years of radical feminist influence in everything from school to the media to popular culture.

    If you were to believe the media the only positive strong male image to emulate would be the modern criminal, athlete, or celebrity, regardless of how morally bankrupt, incompetent, or evil they happen to be.

    Men have been bombarded with anti-male propaganda for a long time. There are fewer strong men around to teach them what it means to be a man, like personal responsibility, strength, and taking care of the family.

    The man is the head of the household, period. However, man-hating women and women who have been abused by bad men resent this and have pushed for change, which has hurt us more than helped now we are in a culture that stubbornly believes women can and should do everything that a man can do, and this is wrong no matter what anyone says.

    If you are sleeping at home, and you hear someone open the front door, who goes to check it out? The man, or the woman? Well, in a truly equal household, the man can sit in bed and hand the woman the gun and she can go downstairs, right?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People don't know how to raise children (not just boys) because most people don't give a fig for all the research that has been conducted on effective parenting.

    America has great science, but a public that has bad attitudes toward science. Try this poll on your neighbors:

    When was the last time you read what a family scientist had to say about raising children well?

  • 1 decade ago

    We have trouble raising men because most boys don't have male role models to look up to. The state has made it too easy for fathers not to take responsibility for their children, and school systems are oriented such that most chlidren don't see a male teacher until they're at least in junior high school. Too many female teachers don't understand that boys and girls are different, and much of the "goofiness and rambunctiousness" that boys show at a young age is a necessary part of them growing up.

    To put it bluntly, the boys and young men and old men in this country are getting pussified.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have done my time in the military proudly. Its just to bad that there are parents and teachers out there flooding young minds with liberal propeganda. Not to mention people just walking away from responsibilities. I keep seeing the same thing you are talking about and it saddens me to see this trend. I had a girl tell me she was having my baby so I stepped up to the plate until she took me to court for more money than what I was making (she said she didnt want me in the kids life she just wanted the child support). Come to find out it wasnt even mine when the court ordered a paternity test. But yes its sad that these so called "men" dont accept responsibility. I think it might have something to do with the way they are rasied. Most were never properly punished when they did wrong. And then left in front of a tv to babysit them instead of parents really caring.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Apparently not, nor ladies either. Just turn on the TV and see what flies as quality entertainment these days... we are learning to flaunt our sexuality but not being taught to respect each other as people. Everyone is being led to focus on pieces of a$$ and eye candy, but not to respect reality.

    Women are learning "if you've got it flaunt it, if you've don't got it buy it, mutilate your body to have it put in or stuck on, theres nothing more important and personally profitable than looking and feeling good. Sex IS power! Brains can be sexy, but brains are for backup!"

    Men are learning that women want attention and plenty are willing to get it at any cost "get what you can and get out, theres plenty more where that came from, money CAN buy you happiness!"

    Its everyone for themselves, dog eat dog, how can we not be headed in the wrong direction??

  • kj
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well I didn't raise MY son that way. He's in the Air Force. He's a brand new daddy. He's a fine upstanding citizen, a good husband to his wife, a very loving father, and a loving and caring son. And he stands up to his responsibilities, and takes them seriously. I'm very proud of him.

    You can't blame the U.S., it's the fault of the parents who raise that particular child. They are the ones who instill the proper values.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is troubling, but I don't think we are done for yet. Wait until our current teens and children grow up. The older teens are wild and fierce. The younger ones are wearing school uniforms, learning phonics and getting black belts.

    When the war comes (and it will), they will rise to the occasion. And after that, they will be wonderful men.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many brave young men in this country. Even my 15 year old son is preparing to be a good soldier if we are still at war when he graduates. Our most brave are out doing things not hanging out on the computer.

  • T-girl you need to come to the WEST. I live in SD and have clients in AK,WY,MT, UT and ID. They stomp a mudhole in the east and west coast lady-boys and proudly serve.

    We are proud fathers and men who hunt, fish and serve. We love our wives and treat them with respect, spoil them with love and they get to live in the most beautiful places.

    C'mon out baby!

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