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Do society and media 'respect' the armed forces?

... by being obsessed with sport and celebrities? How can anyone who only reads 'news' about Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise and football/basketball pretend they respect the troops, when they attach far more importance to games and fakes? In World War 2, the newspapers and radio were full of news about the fighting, yet today we hear little about it and few take an interest. In ignoring their efforts in this way, and replacing actual interest with endless assertions of claimed 'respect', are we not in fact failing to understand the experience of the troops and thereby disrespecting them in the most fundamental way possible?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People only support us when they are put in the position too. Otherwise, out of sight out of mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am curious as to whether men and women that serve our country die any differently today than they did in wars past? I do not ask the question to be morbid or disrespectful; rather I am searching for the reason why we do not sufficiently honor those that have died serving each and every one of us. What has become of American’s patriotic society? I have recently been reminded that our freedom, our very life in this country must be earned and respected. Every day we are lucky that men and women put on a uniform and under right or wrong circumstances defend this country and the democracy we take advantage of. Instead of supporting their efforts, eradicating media and political agendas that spreads doubt and fear into the men and women overseas; we put yellow magnetic ribbons on our cars and karaoke to red, white, and blue laced country songs, in a hope to salvage our conscience. We no longer value what we can give to our country; rather we are obsessed with what we can get from it. I would like to believe that America’s patriotic society is not failing but rather just resting for our big rally. To our troops…you are not and may you never be forgotten.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most people in america don't care about what is going on over in Iraq or what is happening to our troops. To them it's the same old stuff all over again, they just flip the channel when something about Iraq comes on. They are looking for something to entertain them. They want mongrels like Paris Hilton, and Tom Cruise to entertain them, and that's the stuff they care about. The media just feds off of people's responses. But to the people who serve and the people who know people who serve it is a big part of our daily lives.

    I think it is hard for people to relate to things in Iraq, because it doesn't affect them directly. Indirectly, perhaps. Nobody can possibly understand what it's like to go through a deployment in Iraq unless they have done it themselves, and nobody can possibly understand what its like to be the person waiting for someone to get back from a deployment. It's way harder then words can even justify it.

    Source(s): deployed marine bf.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't belive that society as a whole respects the armed forces anymore. When I told my friends and family that I was considering joining the army they couldn't believe it, ever single person said something alond the lines of "why on earth would you want to do that?"

    It seems that the days of serving your country being a noble thing to do that everyone respected you for are long gone.

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  • j c
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think that society in general respects the armed forces in that they wouldn't want to trade places with a soldier in Iraq and they have respect that the soldier has volunteered to defend our country with his/her life if necessary. The media, however, is just a profit machine that spins headlines that will keep your interest long enough so that you will sit through the commercials so the networks can make zillions of dollars.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very good perception.....and why allot of our fighting men and woman don't feel like America is behind them. Although they know that if it was a Democrat in the White House, they would get more news coverage.....but they support each other, and have the love and support from their families here at home, and the love for their country, and will carry on. "No burden to heavy for me to carry, No cost to high for me to pay, No dishonor will I show or give, Only the highest and best do I give to give to my country," --General Sherman.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I respect the troops. you should too, and everyone else. they do alot for you and your freedoms; just like you posting this question... that's a freedom..

    anyways. I'm joining the Army, and am gonna go to iraq.. I'm not scared, I just want to fight for my country. and the people I love.

    User No Brainer:

    my parents, and the rest of my family said the exact same thing.. they were all like " why the hell would you do that?"..

  • 1 decade ago

    your assertion is quite valid in fact i don't believe that many are actually respectful of the armed forces and it is due in large part to the media telling everyone what to think and how to think it i personally hate the media and always have and don't do any thing or think any thing they tell me is right i go to the best source possible to get my thinking parameters the bible and it tells us to support our troops unless they are in sin and near as i can tell they are doing a good job of helping to remove wicked men from power and hunt down people who think it is a valid way of life to kill Innocent people just for not believing in their God their way

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I respect the troops and the job they do. I also help troops with getting benefits they are due. Instead of putting a yellow magnet on my car, I visit VA medical centers and actually talk to the men and women that fight our battles.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    seems we only care for the dead ones. The act of dieing is at best horrifically painful let alone robbing one of good times and family - for us to ignore the ones who put that on the line to protect our right to protest has a warp ring to it

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