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Edward F asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Shouldn't we be trying to stop the largest killer in the U.S.?

Heart disease, cancer and strokes account for well over 55% of deaths in the U.S., homicides less than .7%. Shouldn't we be controlling the amount of unhealthy foods, tobacco, need for excercise that people use or get? Maybe the Govt should control every single aspect of our lives so that some Boogieman doesn't get us?


Shouldn't fast food companies and producers of unhealthy products be considered mass killers? They know how dangerous their products are but use them anyway.

Update 2:

Natural Causes is a catch all for they died of many reasons. If your life is cut short from smoking or lack of excercise then you lived a shorter duration than you would of otherwise, this could be considered as manslaughter by cigar or TV.

Update 3:

If you drive a car aren't you contributing to someones death somewhere. It's like firing a gun into a crowd.

Update 4:

Should we regulate the sale of doughnuts? Maybe people should have to step on a scale before they can purchase fast food?

Update 5:

Don't democrats own, or at least own stock, in the companies producing dangerous products?

Update 6:

Why aren't the Anti gun people here arguing with the statistics? Maybe they agree with total control? By the way did you know that you are twice as likely to commit suicide than to be murdered? How are we ever going to protect us from ourselves?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am for less not more control. I am for personal responsibility.

    More government implies that you are not for personal responsibility, that you need congress to write more laws, because you cannot take care of yourself. It is an indiviualist point of view, not a collectivist, or SOCIALIST perspective.

  • 1 decade ago

    The last thing this country needs is more Government control Anyone can see that when a government study comes out and says that something is bad for you, most times they come back in a few years and revise their theories. How many people have seen the recent article saying the materials used to eliminate trans fat has been found to be bad for human consumption.

  • 1 decade ago

    I bring up this point all the time. Working in the health care field, I see first-hand the devastating affects of these things, "terrorists" would love to have the same ability to kill and maim hundreds of thousands a year like these diseases do, yet there is not a real mainstream push to demand funding for these killers. It's not just the old that is effected either, I had a 38 year old man dying in my unit last week--the culprit...diabetes. It's just a much easier mindset for the simple-minded to think "kill bad man, problem solved"...issues such as health are too complex for them and often so insidious that they don't realize the danger until too late.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The liberals are working on trying to control what we eat. Look at the lawsuits against McDonald's. NY City will be banning Transfats. So the liberal boogieman is out there looking for ways to control this.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yeh and you buy them too so dont be so sanctimonious. No way do I want the government to control my life any more than they do now.

  • Enigma
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Morals are what is killing us or better said the lack thereof. When the government took prayer out of school they also took God out of school which just upholds immoral behavior. If kids don't fear their parents, school teachers or God who are they accountable to.

    No One

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    These things are to some extent are natural causes. Guns are not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If it creates profit for big business, its ok if it kills. If this korean kid was a goose laying golden eggs for bush he would be pardoned immediately if he had lived.

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