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Shouldn't dangerous objects, regardless of their intended purpose....?

be extremly regulated (background and mental checks) before they can be sold to just anybody?


What about target or sporting clay guns?

Update 2:

I'm sorry let me be more specific. I was talking about vehicles and fast food.

Which are far more dangerous and randomly kill more people everyday.

Update 3:

If a 300 pound man goes into the local burger joint, shouldn't they be required to turn him away and report him for self inflicted injury, or attempted anyway?

8 Answers

  • Sara B
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, this would work, for honest people. Unfortunately, the people who want to hurt other people don't stop at just doing what is lawful. Have some common sense! If someone wants to hurt a lot of people, he will do it regardless of wether it is legal or not. He will get very creative and find a way to do it. Laws against guns only hurt honest and law-abiding citizens because they are not able to defend themselves.


    Ok, so you changed the subject. But you can't make laws to protect people from their own stupidity. That wastes time and money. Vehicles are regulated, you have to have a driver's liscence, any more than that would impinge on our freedom. As far as fast food, if people want to kill themselves slowly, let them do so. Maybe tax it so that the money can go to pay for all their medical bills later in life.

  • 5 years ago

    Still waiting for my crap internet to load these videos. LOVING the comments on the videos though lol 1. Of course it does. There is still very much a need for these dogs doing what they've been bred for. And personally, I'd prefer a dog doing what comes natural than the use of a gun. At least gives the hogs a bit of a fighting chance I guess. Plus the training, talent, and physical fitness for the dog is great to see in action. 2. Still see many Border Collies out in the field, IMO those are the best, most balanced BCs being bred. Nothing like these neurotic genetic messes of "sport/performance" dogs, or the personality lacking show dogs. Kelpies, really don't know many that aren't on the farm, especially around here. Beagles seemed to have turned into somewhat of a houseplant...or barrel resembling decoration. Good to see them in homes as "family pets" and such, but a pity to see them all so obese. 3. That'd be terrifying for me (had I owned these breeds), the consequence as well as the sheer adrenaline rush watching what exactly the animal that sleeps on my bed is capable of. Add: Aside from the "Dog Cam" making me a little motion sick....I think I've got a new show to start watching ;) My beagle was bred from hunting lines/parents, he's got the drive, the nose, the physique (okay back in his prime he had it), yet once he gets on the trail almost every time he hunts in the OPPOSITE direction of the damned rabbit. If I didn't know better, I'd swear he was scared of the things. Just ONCE I'd like a nice rabbit soup

  • Wes
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They should be. But those who want a gun will get a gun. even if they start imposing mental checks there still would be a way to get a gun. There's so many stolen guns and guns that can't be traced back to anywhere floating around out there. If america can't win the drug war how do you expect them to get rid of guns? If they tried it would just be the newest thing to buy on the streets. It would be like can i get a joint and a desert eagle?

  • 1 decade ago

    I heard of background checks before selling,

    but it is most common in employment.

    Other than that I agree with you

    There is such thing as selling a gun for example only to kill someone.

    Age would be another matter

    Source(s): For example school shootings.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sissors can be dangerous so i should have a background check if i want to cut the thread on my blouse? That is a little over kill! but if it where for a weapon they could tighten the way they hand them out! but don't forget about the black market!

    Mr. B Franklin once said!

    when we give up freedom for safty we deserve neither!

    Makes you think don't it!

    and he was a president!

  • 1 decade ago

    Objects specifically designed to kill things (guns for example) are too dangerous to allow anyone just waltz into a sporting good shop and pick up.

  • Kat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    According to law, anything can be used as a deadly weapon. "Dangerous objects" is a vague and ambiguous expression to be used in any law-

  • 1 decade ago

    yes. Obviously

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