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kimberbee asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

what causes hair to go gray?

what is it that, when i turned 18 three years go, caused my hair to start turning gray?

i mean its not a lot of my hair, maybe around 6 or 7 strands, but it's always the same ones.

so what is it inside you that causes your hair to have color one day and none the next? does your body just run out of color (ok, i know thats not true but still...)?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hair turns gray as we age because the follicles at the base of the hair shaft cease to produce melanin. Each follicle contains a finite number of pigment cells. These pigment cells produce melanin, a chemical that gives the hair shaft (the visible strands) its color (black, brown, blonde, red, and all shades in between.) The darkness or lightness of your hair depends on how much melanin each strand contains. Melanin is the same pigment that makes skin tan upon exposure to the sun.

    With age, the pigment cells in the follicle gradually die off. As they do so, that strand will no longer contain as much color and will show up as silver, gray, or white as it grows. Eventually, all the pigment cells will die and the hair becomes completely gray.

    The age at which you go gray is determined by your genes. A ballpark guess can be made by observing the ages at which your parents or grandparents went gray. Some people go gray at young ages--as early as high school--whereas some may not go gray before their forties or fifties. For example, most Caucasian women show their first gray hairs during their mid thirties.

    Graying typically occurs over a long time. From the time that a person notices the first gray strands, it can take ten years or more to complete the process.

    While genetics is the most common cause of gray hair, other things can contribute to graying. Lack of B vitamins (particularly pantothenic acid, poor nutrition, anemia, (lack of iron in the blood), thyroid problems, and even smoking can contribute to graying. Smokers are believed to gray at an earlier rate because smoking depletes oxygen in the bodies tissues.

    Treatment for diseases, such as cancer, or AIDS, can also cause hair to turn gray.

    It has been said that a shock can cause people to go gray overnight but that theory has generally been discounted.

    Although parents often like to claim that the stess of having children has caused them to go gray, this theory has also been discounted.

    Source(s): My Experience (With Science)
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The hair follicle stops producing melanin, and it begins to grow out white or gray.The age that this happens is determined genetically. I had a friend whose hair started going totally white beginning at age 22, and another who started losing his hair at 18 and was completely bald on top by age 23. Genetics is the cause of both conditions.

  • dewald
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I began death my hair at 26...Dyed it for forty five years...Shouldn't have as many gray hairs as others my age...Am just about seventy five now and nonetheless have some color mixed in with the gray... Do not suppose dying will rationale more grey hairs...And will make you look younger...

  • 1 decade ago

    The number one thing is STRESS

    or just old age...

    you could also just be getting Grey hair earlier in life! who knows. Some times medicine. Im 14, almost 15 and have a one, just one, grayish blond hair.. and im totally dark brunett.. lol but mostly stress if your young

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To check graying of hair, mix lemon juice in olive oil, beat till frothy and apply on scalp and wash off after an hour. Premature graying of hair can be postponed by using a strong decotion of black tea and a tablespoon of salt, strain and apply to the roots for 45 minutes and wash with water. Don't shampoo. Please check out for more info.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your hair follicles only have so much color in them. Once the color runs our, your hair turns gray or white.

  • 1 decade ago



    -kids (but your too young)

    -DNA ( it works the same way that you ended up with your color hair in the first place)

  • 1 decade ago

    Stress and your getting old.

  • 1 decade ago

    stress and youu gettin old

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