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He doesn't want me to....?

travel alone. i am going to visit my family 2,400 miles away. i am taking a plane.

my husband thinks a woman shouldn't do things like that by herself.

what do you think?

do you agree, disagree?


i know my truths, i know what's right and wrong to me. i was just wondering how many people feel the same way. i have traveled all over hell and creation alone, but before i met him.

it's hard to tie myself down.

i just want to see my family!!!!

46 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't agree with your hubby. You're a big girl and can take a trip alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your hubby might be right this time with society being like it is today, and the types you find in airports now days it's not safe for a woman to travel alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is this a joke? Why wouldn't a woman travel alone?

    I went thousands of miles alone, changed planes, rented a car in a strange city....navigated alone....

    Just use reasonable caution, just like you would anytime- don't pick up hitchhikers etc.....

  • 1 decade ago

    hmm he sounds a bit neanderthal in his ways. I think you have every right in the world to do it. This is YOUR family you are visiting and they are the most important thing in the world if he cant accept that then he needs to have a good hard look at himself. Your family would be more upset if you didnt come just cos of him. pleeeeease get away for awhile and see your family!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is the typical reaction of an over-protective husband. But it's also a sign that he cares and loves you a lot. He simply does not want you to be in trouble.Personally, I think that you should go and show him that you are much capable of the picture he has of you in his mind.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    It seems strange that he wouldn't want you to visit your family. Whatever is he afraid of??

    If you want to see your family, no husband/boyfriend/man should prevent you from doing so. He's being unreasonable. It's not like you're going away for a wild vacation without him. You're visiting family so you go ahead and book your ticket. And, don't worry about it while you're away. Things have a way of smoothing themselves out. Enjoy your visit.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmm, assuming you've given him no reason to not trust you, then......what other control issues does he have? Have you been his door mat all these years? This is like a blind man trying to identify an elphant by touch....not much information to go on.....but if it quacks like a might be a duck! I don't care what anyone tells you, there's only one ride on this train of life and there's no guarantee of another 5 minutes on GO, take the trip.

    Source(s): Too many candles on the last birthday cake.
  • 1 decade ago

    I flew from Connecticut to California with a stop in between with my 2 1/2 yr old daughter and her bulky car seat. it was 11 grueling hours and I made it. I think you will do fine. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    i like traveling with my husband i feel safe. i mean the world has gotten nasty these days u have to be careful and i used to travel alone but, dont let that stop u from seeing ur family i understand my family is in texas. but, it sounds like ur husband loves u and wants u to be safe!!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you never do things on your own, you'll never be ABLE to do things on your own. Let him know this is something you need to do for yourself! Chauvinism shouldn't be a playing part in your marriage when they talk about 'equality.'

    I agree with your Husband that he wishes to protect you, but I disagree with the fact he say's women shouldn't do things by herself.

    You'll have to weigh it up.

    Have a nice trip! :-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's probably just looking out for your safety, plane travel these days is scary for some people so he should be worried! i'm sure he's just trying to make sure your safe and that you get back to him in one piece!

    But, his worries shouldnt stop you from going. Assure him that plane travel is safer than driving and remember to promise him you'll be on your best behaviour while your gone! No flirting w/ all those guys in *fill in destination*!

    good luck!

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