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Isn't it wrong to allow religiously-motivated political parties to participate in governmental elections ?

I am shocked that the Scottish Christian Party is allowed to be involved in the recent election. I can imagine the uproar if there was a Scottish Satanist Party....especially if they won the election. Many people with whom I have discussed the subject agree, but others don't understand the implications of a government which make decisions and dictate law based on religious belief.

What is your take on the matter ???


Please also note : Practically every country in the world except the UK has a written constitution.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is why you have laws and a Constitution in place to limit the power of elected representation

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure that if they can find the deposit, The Scottish Satanist Party could stand for election. The only thing that would be wrong is that if people voted for them. After all, the Monster Raving Looney Party stands regularly.

    We have a democracy and therefore expect 'the good, the bad and the ugly'.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a democracy, did they get any seats in the local councils or parliaments?

    If you want to ban party's you don't like simply because you don't agree with their position on various issues would you have the SNP. Surely they would have been banned by those in power at the time?

    By allowing political expression you allow cross examination of the values and can also look into contradictions or hypocrisy I don't like the BNP but I would rather they were there than the alternative potential for violence through terrorism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Youre arguing matters of religion in the matters of the world. Neither one is here or there. I dont know much about christianity but I do know enough to exploit it. The reason these groups are so readily able to exert influence over government is because they governed the people before the people were ready to govern themselves. Sometimes I wonder to myself if man was ever meant to truly self govern. Man himself is far more capable for destruction than construction and that comes directly from his tendency toward his own ego. Mankind as a whole partakes in its best undertakings when it is told to do something by some benevolent entity.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Understand your concern, I don't like the influence either....but that's the privilege of living in a democracy, and I for one believe that individual rights are worthy of upholding.

    The great thing is that most of the population can exercise our rights as well by voting the way we think is best, so the more quasi and extreme the "Party" or individual is who is standing for Office, the less chance they have of being elected.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the widest terms of democracy,anyone or party regardless of race,religion or ideology can take part or stand in an election.My personal opinion is that religion should be seperated from politics.However this is difficult given that the demographics of a particular place/region that can be to the advantage for individuals/parties to use religion as a platform for political gains and advancing their ambitions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why would it be wrong? Would you have someone outlaw a political party of secular beliefs?

    That is what freedom is all about. You get the good with the bad - depending on your point of view.

    That's why no political party should ever be outlawed in any free nation - including communist, Nazi's, etc.

    If you disagree with them, I suggest you help campaign against them and pray that your party wins - to whomever you choose to pray.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's all in the name of equality. If they don't allow the Christians on the grounds of them being religious it is discriminatory since parliament itself is inextricably linked to the Anglican Church. The Anglican Church and UK government are one already. So decisions and laws are bound to be influenced by religious convictions and beliefs.

    I asked another question and someone said there are bishops sitting in The House of Lords! And you are complaining about a Cristian party? Makes me laugh. Not.

    Actually ... 24 bishops and 2 archbishop's in The House of Lords:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It doesn't create a problem in other parts of the world why should it create a problem in Scotland

    Given a choice of Labour telling lies to support a destabilising illegal invasion of Iraq, or a party based on Christian priciples, I think I would choose the latter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am an atheist and I think religion is garbage, all of it, Islam Christianity,Judaism, the whole lot and religion is the cause of most trouble in the world, so yes I am horrified about another religious party, more simple minded throwback politics from the past

    CLIVE H................nice one GREAT answer

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