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is the website is good/bad? plz check!?

is the website is good / bad? do u know?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    this site has poxy sever checking ips dont go there trust me iam a hacker and i go there to check peoples ip and sever

    Source(s): pc builder
  • 1 decade ago

    (1) *Very* slow to load...I almost got tired of waiting to see the graphic at upper left!

    (3) Whose "life" are you trying to "hack" and to what end? Say the purpose, at least briefly, of your website, at the top of the page. (Like, what *sort* of body hacks, and why would I want to hack my body, and what sort of time am I saving that I would be using *elsewhere*?)

    (3) What does "Thumbs" mean?

    (4) Front?

    In other words, it may be that, all in all, you're describing yourself as a lifetime hacker? Right? But it's not at all obvious at first glance. Help the first shot reader (like especially a poor dialup user, such as myself) with a quick splash of info right off the bat.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bad i know this site

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ummmm.. you want us to go to a sitel you think might cause us trouble... cool. we check then you know not to go there. LOL To me.. if you're asking, you have doubts. Don't use it. I'm at work... so I certainly wouldn't go to a site like that anyway. (wonders what you're looking for at that site)

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    never go to this site.

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