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Please Help?

My Husband was brought up as a Jehovahs Witness, he isnt one at the moment, but during the 16 years we have been together, he has tried to go back to them on several occasions, I tried studying it for a short while and hated it, he is again trying to go back to them, he reckons it will make him a better person, although I need him to become a better person, because of things he has done in the past, I find myself drifting further and further away from him, there are many reasons for this but just of late, I find myself feeling resentment towards him for trying to go back to the Witnesses, why am I feeling like this? he had a few internet affairs a few years ago whilst I had Cancer, and I am finding it hard even now 3 years down the line, he reckons I should be over it by now, although I find it easier to cope with I cant forget, does this all signal the end of our Marriage or is there a way forward for us, if I mention this he says, he doesnt want to talk about it. PLEASE HELP ME


This isn't a religious question, I don't want advise about different churches, please don't tell me to try a different one, I am not Religious, this is a Marriage problem, I want advise about what to do.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look into marriage counseling...

    Your marriage isn't dead but it's been severely injured (trust "the affairs", disrespect "The affairs and his lack of recognition of your continued feelings" and "His I don't want to talk about it attitude"....

    The Witness faith preaches importance of family and communication... remind him of this when asking him to go to counseling with you...

    If he is not willing to go to counseling, go alone, there is a llot you can discover and learn in solo counseling that can help you either forgive and move on or realize it really is the end and help you handle it gracefully...

    If your husband is regularly attending meetings, call the Kingdom Hall and ask to speak to an Elder.. He can talk to both you and your husband and help you convince your husband that counseling is a step that needs to be taken for the health of the marriage....


    No I am not Jehoviah's Witness my husband was raised JW (he is not a member and does not practice) and my in-laws are very active JW'S... I am interested in all religion on an intellectual level (not a spiritual or I want to join level) and have asked countless questions of my husband, in-laws and several local church Elder's who are close family friends of my in-law and husband...

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you discussed trying a Community or Non-Denominational Church that you both might attend together? I have found one in my community and it is great! He seems to want to seek out a higher power and change his life and you seem to want that too! Try it out! Ask him to attend a few churches and if you find the right one for you both as a couple then it will be a win-win deal. Internet affairs are very common today and you decided to stay with him so you need to forgive him and telling him you know you've not let it go but you forgive him will put it in your past. You can't keep up with the resentment or keep score to pay him back somehow - life isn't a game.

    Please try looking into a Christ Community Church near you and see how you both like it-or try going to a different one until you find one. He does love you otherwise he would have left you after trying an internet affair - and you have to be positive yourself and be happy with you. If you have to, go by yourself. Your happiness does not depend on his!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the problem is that you know that going back to his religion wont make a difference. From what I know of the Witnesses they really wont make a difference in his life to become a better person. They do everything the same as if you did not belong to a religious group. He needs some spiritual support and needs to find it somewhere else besides the Witnesses. If you want to find support in religion read the Bible. Tu-she!

  • 1 decade ago

    just picking up a religon won't make you a better person, and if he cheated on you in you're houre of need wat kind of man is he? do you really want to be with him! doesn't sound like it you also need too tell him you want to talk about it and if he refuses you should leave him for what he did to you and then not even being able too make things beter u 2!!

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