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why can't we see the pain that causes someone to choose suicide?

In my past I have thought that this was an answer to the depression or pressure I was feeling. I don't struggle with this problem right now but I just learned of someone's daughter who had the same problems as the rest of us but she decided suicide was the answer. No one saw anything different in her, she acted the same that day as any other day. So what is it that we are missing here! So what have we learned! This just happens. Where and what should I be doing to make sure that this doesn't happen to my children.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is guarantee in life. Your children will have to grow and experience life just like we did. It's a scary thought, but the only thing you can do is to talk to them, know their interests, friends, and hang outs. Be active in their lives, and make sure they know that you are. Give them guidelines, and always hold them accountable. When they need a shoulder to cry on, be there. When they need space, give it to them. Encourage them to speak their minds, and respect themselves. Just do the best you can, and remember, there are countless ways that a child can and will hurt themselves. All we can do is our best and hope that they will be strong and healthy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I struggle with depression myself and have considered suicide often. Life can be a constant struggle for some people, especially those that differ from the mainstream. The only advice I can give is that if you feel as though you or someone you love is in danger of suicide, seek the help of a psychiatrist or psychologist. Anti-Depression drugs in the form of SSRI's will probably be prescribed if you are in fact depressed. I'm not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination, but this has been my experience when seeking help for severe depression. One option I would imagine would be beneficial as well would be to enter a support group where others who are in the same situation as yourself could offer support. This is someting I haven't tried. I'm a bit on the shy side, but I think it's something people could benfefit from. Best Wishes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, there are two reasons and they are both polar to each other.

    It is possible that the person hides it so much from their outside environment that people believe it's them when it is a fraud. People who are suicidal usually deter away from others and stop socializing.

    Also, some people choose to ignore the differences which I believe is really sad. I'm not saying people do not care. It is simply people turn to more appealing topics than someone who is thinking in such a depressing way.

    Many think if you act depressed nobody will want to be around you because they get scared like its a disease. But people should focus on it more.

    If you are worried about your children just look for changes in their social behavior or physical changes. Their appetite can also waver from over-indulgence to starvation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's a doozy of a question. Suicides don't mean to cause anyone else pain, they just want to end their own. They often feel ashamed of and guilty about what they're contemplating, what it will do to those left behind. Therefore, effort is made to hide the pain/depression/sadness. They may feel that it's "their fault" that they feel as the do, and not wish to burden anyone with it.

    There is no magic preventative - open and trusting communication with your kids and mutual trust should ensure emotional stability and their happiness. Be as present in their lives as you can without being intrusive.

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  • 1 decade ago

    We can't see life in other's shoes. You can't really tell if someone

    is depressed and withdrawn until it's too late.

    Spend some time with your children. Say " You can tell me anything, anything in the world, and I won't get mad."

    You need to build this trust, this bond, while at the same time respect their privacy. Find some activities you like to do together, like church, playing ball, videogames, riding bikes, because when you do things together you form a closer bond.

    Let them know how much you care, and you appreciate them , and they never have to worry about being good enough for your love. Always let them know that life is precious and can't be taken for granted.

  • 5 years ago

    Chris, well morning. As others recounted, you cite 0 proof to your claims that a) we keep in mind "shunning" both lovable or cool". We keep in mind it unhappy for the one that is disfellowshipped as good as for his household and peers. OR b) the quantity of suicides attributed to disfellowshipping. Like many, you look to be blind to the character of disfellowshipping and precisely WHAT it involves. Disfellowshipping is a transparent mandate within the BIBLE, all bibles. Others do not train it that is why you spot a wide variety of immoral habits being accredited because the norm for different religions. Then there is the truth that NOONE is disfellowshipping who does not desire to be. Disfellowshipping occurs while a individual is unrepentant of the sins they have dedicated. Jehovah God is merciful (Read Psalm 103). There is lots of attempt made to support the erring one ... and, correctly, as soon as a yr each and every frame of elders visits some thing disfellowshipped ones are of their neighborhood to look if they have got had a difference of center.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    people are very good actor's my cuz went out that way no one seen it coming, he waited until the first day of dear season and when his dad and bro. were in the house he killed himself in the grage, with a 30/30 winchester, the funny thing was he had been having problems and seem to of worked it all out, but i read somewhere that people that want to comit suicide strugle with it but once they decide it 's like a calm comes over them becuse they have made there choice, man if i could answer that question it would be one delema that has haunted allot of familys for yrs, and will continue to haunt all of us.

    Source(s): psych. today i think is where i read it.
  • 1 decade ago

    I can't recommend any book higher than

    Andrew Solomon's "The Noonday Demon."

    It even has an index for serious quick-referencing.

    Wait til you see how thorough AND easy to read it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are ashamed to admit that they have a mental problem. More education about depression is needed.

  • 1 decade ago

    we cant see the pain because we are not looking for it...everyone gives signs or want people to attention and learn to listen..

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