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Did you know the TV show "Cheaters" is fake?

I live in Dallas, TX where Cheaters is filmed. I know a guy who was paid $500.00 by Cheaters to appear on an episode. On his episode, he had a wife and two children.

In reality, he is single and has no children.

I have heard that the episode where the host was stabbed was also fake.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very much fake, as also are many shows like the people on Jerry Springer. It's all an act to get you to watch more.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Find Cheaters Online Using BACKGROUNDTOOL.COM'''
  • 6 years ago

    If I was asked to be on a show that was this popular as an actor I'd be asking for a lot more than $500! But it is not hard to believe some would do this for less than I would. Also these people would be recognized in their lives, and I believe there would be a lot more outing of the authenticity of the show then I have found on the internet. Unless they are being shushed of course. The work of PI's in real life dredge up many a cheater and many a sad stories. I'd love to be a P.I. one day. A lot of P.I. work is paid for by companies to track false injury claims. I knew someone that did this work. They said that they found the people cheating their companies were also cheating spouses, but this info never made it to the spouses as they were not hired to find out if they were cheating. I think that every couple has a health risk from cheating spouse, and they deserve to know! Not to mention the cheating people that use prostitutes. These are also the people that do not care if the woman/child they are paying to have sex with are being extorted/trafficked. I'm afraid reality is a lot uglier and hidden than this show. I wish more people were outed!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Did you know the TV show "Cheaters" is fake?

    I live in Dallas, TX where Cheaters is filmed. I know a guy who was paid $500.00 by Cheaters to appear on an episode. On his episode, he had a wife and two children.

    In reality, he is single and has no children.

    I have heard that the episode where the host was stabbed was also fake.

    Source(s): tv show quot cheaters quot fake:
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  • 4 years ago

    I figured this out on my own by watching the show, certain things just didn't make sense like the convenient area on the couches were the camera is conveniently placed to catch the sexual acts; the convenient calls captured when the spouse/loved one is lying (How did they get to tape the calls?) The convenient wigs snatched off for more drama; the convenience of catching the cheater in private spots which would be a violation of a constitutional right and on and on.

    I don't normally watch reality television but somehow this show popped up when I fell asleep with the computer on Youtube, then I found myself drawn in. But, being the person I am, I figured the crap out quickly.

  • 5 years ago


    1. They are able to time the consult with the client PERFECTLY so that they can waltz across town and catch the cheaterS together EVERYTIME

    2. About 40% of the time they catch the people having sex as furries, dressing up like medievals, in some dungeon etc.

    You KNOW it is fake. Whenever there is money/ratings and humans involved there will be staging. Why would they NOT do that?

  • styers
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Is Cheaters Fake

  • 8 years ago

    It is for certain fake. I know a guy that lives here in my hometown Shreveport, La. that was hired to pretend to be a "Cheater" on Cheaters show. I guess Cheaters did not realize they hired a for real "Cheater" and his FOR REAL "Cheating" wife to play fake cheaters. These two people in their real life cheating escapade broke up a family with 4 children in it and literally broke the children's hearts and left the mother of the children destitute. I hope the money this moron and his moron wife made went to the children, but I happen to know it did not. Instead, the $500.00 he earned went just like it always does- to the it went to the bars, dining out, and casinos here. He didn't even play a good cheater. Laughed when getting "caught' just like he does and did in real life while chanting, "I don't even know her!". Gross guy- gross current wife- and gross show.

  • 1 decade ago


    I did'nt know that...I love that show too...

    well I guess ppl still watch show's

    like the Jerry Springer show...they get paid to be on that show too.....he still getz high ratings....

    but I guess I will still watch "cheaters".....

    something to pass the time at the early morning hours

    when I can't sleep.....:)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    It's an obviously fake TV show.

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