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Science Vs God - science will cure cancer... god will not. DONATE TODAY?

What has god done lately? Is he working on a cure for cancer.. id doubt it..

Science is working on it.... please save ur church money and donate to a cause that is actually doing something practical from saving so many peoples lives...


in response to those who say god create us so thats surely enough for us to be thankful for:

Thats your opinnion ... in my opinion we were created by the way of evolution and the changes that have occured within the atomic makeup of every bit of living life.

15 Answers

  • Labsci
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a scientist myself, I have yet to see anyone suffering from cancer being comforted by a researcher who promises to find a cure for cancer some day. I have, however, seen church workers talk to sufferers and give them support and comfort in times on great stress.

    There are different roles to play in people who are suffering from any disease. Science does its bit, religion does its bit.

    To put it back on you - billions of dollars have been spent on research of diseases. We have found very few cures. We have treatments for cancer and other diseases, but not cures.

    Religion does not change the outcome, but it can make the suffering a bit more bearable, as can pain killing drugs, of course.


  • Kes
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not so fast. You have a (God given?) miraculous body with a sophisticated immune system that may in fact help you avoid cancer each and every day considering the tremendous number of cells that divide in your body every day that could go wrong. Science is trying desperately to find help for patients when their devine machinery goes wrong (perhaps from smoking too much?). You may be right but you have not proven your point. You 'believe' you are right as do others in a free society. For example are you suggesting that none of the cancer fighters (doctors, scientists and contributors?) are in the fight because of their religious moral beliefs? Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and we never really know why. In some countries without moral fiber, life is so cheap why save anyone from cancer (except perhaps the dictator who can fly to a free country for treatment)? You did post this question under Science and Math and should expect a logical reply, right?

  • 5 years ago

    Science gives the idea of evolution of which i believe. However the big bang theory not so much. It is said that if you trace every single molecule back to its place of origin it is always the same place. Therefore there must have been an explosion at that point to cause the creation of the universe. But what caused this explosion is not explained. Many say this was caused by God because what else could have caused it. But then where did God come from. People say that he or she is almighty and has been her forever. There is no proof of this. People say the evidence for god is all around us. That is also evidence for science. And who knows who wrote the holy books. It could have been anyone. People also say thaf god must exist because: He made the perfect planet for us to live on. But maybe the perfect planet was her in the first place so we learned to live on it.

  • 1 decade ago

    CRIS your question i feel is a little out of line , Lets start of withGod , with out God , you would not be on this earth . But with GODS help he has put you on this earth , SO you cannot even make a comparison Between Science and GOD , , i agree 100% that science can cure cancer but the scienetist Again would not be on this earth with OUT GOD you see cris , God gave you life , on this earth , , he also gave life to the Scientists , that he is helping to find a cure to get rid of cancer , YOU mention that God has not donaed today , , and then you go on to say what has God done lately , yes he is helping the Scientist to find a cure for cancer in hes own way . if you doubt that God is not helping to cure the cancer , then what are you doing on this earth , are you going to doubt that God gave you life think about it? AS for the statement about saveing the church money , to give to the cancer refund . surely we need the churches to pray TO God , to find a way to get a cure for cancer , . so Cris it is not a case of them and us , , do you not think that to work together is the best thing to get rid of this nasty illness .

    Source(s): the source warrened an answer , and this is what i have tryed to do
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  • 6 years ago

    The thing is.... There IS a cure. It's just that cancer is a billion dollar industry. They make more money with "treatments" than they do giving the cure out... So, while I'm an atheist, sometimes science sucks just as much as religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in, and am inspired by God. I do research to help treat/fight cancer in others and have been fighting my personal battle with cancer these last 7 years. Science continually has more answers, more understanding, but it because God wanted it that way. Instead of just giving it to us, in order to be appreciated, we had to earn it over time. There are some questions we will never truely know the answers to. As to the answers we do have, they do not conflict absolutely with what is told, so long as you don't try to take the Biblical stroy literally.

  • 1 decade ago

    god created the world and gave us a mind to think how we manage our lives (including medicine) but he tests his creatures if they follow his orders any way or they just every thing will be as they want

    for sure if you read religous books specially holy koran of muslims you will see that the god told us what man says that he has discovered it now

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, God decides who gets the itty bitty percentage of surviving the cancer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't find any evidence that god ever did anything. Apart for barely plausible uncorroborated stories.

    And I would agree that those who believe the bible are of dubious cognitive abilities.

    But does that mean I have to suddenly get charity?

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is a deliberate state of ignorance that was formulated thousands of years ago. Is it any wonder that useful and practical knowledge can come from this state of mind?

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