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Did you like the questions that Brit Hume, Chris Wallace and Wendell Goler asked last night?

The questions highlighted why Fox News has become such a popular source for news. In contrast to some of the stupid questions posed by Chris Matthews at the first debate -- do you believe in evolution? what do you dislike most about America? -- the moderators didn't assume that either the candidates or those likely to support them were something out of Deliverance.

Not a single question posed to the candidates could be characterized as "easy" or "a softball" -- but though they were tough, they were fair. They demonstrated respect for the viewing audience and didn't implicitly hint that the candidates were out of the mainstream in the way the MSNBC debates did. Even the after-coverage, where Hannity & Colmes interviewed the participants, offered an opportunity to take another look at the candidates, and enough verbal space from the questioners to hear what they had to say.

It was the most provocative debate I have seen yet. Too bad the Dems are dodging the network.


gunkinth - just a suspicion, or is there any proof. As I said, they weren't throwing softballs up there. I see the claim quite often that it is a "Republican network". Murdock contributes to both parties, the opinion staff seems to come from both sides, and the news is basically the same on all the networks. So, I wasn't a big lover of the network until I saw the debate.

Update 2:

send it - you have a right to see it through your own lens, and I see how you feel about the war influences your perspective. The poll cited was accurate, the question was a great example of "provocative" and goes to my point of no softball throwing. At least you are using specific examples for your argument, so kudos to you. However, I see myself as anything but living under a rock, and I don't have a reputation for B.S. The war that I have fought in is a war to protect this nation's security and I will die with that perspective. To blame the U.S. for 9/11 is like living under a rock to me. Look at the attacks in other countries who aren't in Iraq, who have cowered to their every demand. Giving Paul a chance to elaborate on this, his core issue was the right thing to do.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your last line belies the rest of your point...yeah, it's probably very informative to watch Republicans on Republican News Network but there would never be that same civility if Brit Hume was moderating a Democratic debate, which is unfortunate...the only reason Democrats have a problem with people who watch Fox is because they try to claim it's balanced when in fact I have never seen more unbalanced news coverage on either side...

    all I say for proof is this, I'm one of those people that reads both sides and is highly unimpressed with either but just do me a favor, read Brit's grapevine for a month, count the number of times he negatively talks about Dems and the times it's repubs, you'll see what i's all very slick but regardless of what's going on in the world, somehow it always shows up differently between Dems and Repubs on Fox

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so you would say that FOX has NO AGENDA? Because if that is what you are saying, you must live under a rock.

    THIS is an example of what FOX calls a "fair" question:

    Wallace: "Congressman Paul, you're one of six house Republicans who back in 2002 voted against authorizing President Bush to use force in Iraq. Now you say we should pull our troops out. A recent poll found that 77% of Republicans dissaprove of the idea of setting a timetable for withdrawal. Are you running for the nomination of the wrong party?"

    Are you saying that there is NOT a political statement WITHIN that question? OR are you saying that interventionalism and "nation building" is a CORE CONSERVATIVE VALUE?

    because NIETHER choice is the truth

    THEN fox went OUT OF THEIR WAY to attack congressman Paul on the post debate show.

    "It was the most provocative debate I have seen yet. " -- what a bunch of BS...

    the republican party has turned into the party of GLOBALISTS!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are correct. I did enjoy the debate last night and it was in fact much better than the first debate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes. quite a contrast from Softball with matthews

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