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How do I re-install windows XP onto Vista?

(My laptop came with XP on it, I installed Windows Vista, and now I want to delete vista off my hardisk and just go back to XP

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Reformat the hard drive with your XP disk. Start over. If you try to fix you will always have conflicts. Remember to back up and have a tested boot disk.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, there is no need to delete windows Vista from the hard drive, just install XP over Vista. It will automatically become the new O.S. You should be fine. Because when you install a new Operating System over an old one like Vista over XP, you can just do the same thing, just insert the disc and install XP and it will write itsself over Vista. Simple as that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Put the Winxp disk into the cd drive restart pc Windows xp setup will boot and i there follow the instructions like if you want a separate operating system or a fresh install of xp which include deleting vista.

    Make sure you can boot into your cd-rom by checking this in your system Bios on startup

  • 5 years ago

    F disk is ancient destroy it and throw it away. All I've ever done is put the disk in the CD or DVD rom close it and shut the PC off. Then I've restarted the PC and the computer installs it going into setup, you should have never used F disk, especially on these newer computers. However, no damage done to the hard drive. That's the only way we learn. You'll get it right yet. XP is supposed to be self installing, maybe your settings are not right. You want it to boot to the CD or DVD rom on startup so it will catch the disk right away.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    do you have a disk for XP? if not extract all your oem copy of the xp installer & associated files and put them all on a cd, then format the drive and go from there.

    hate to see you format the drive w/o an xp disk

  • 1 decade ago

    with the xp disk!

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