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Lv 7
Flif asked in SportsBoxing · 1 decade ago

How agressive was Jermaine Taylor in the first half of his fight last night against Cory Spinks?

I know he wasn't moving as much as Spinks, but he didn't really seem to be pushing the fight like the commentators said. How agressive would you say he was, considering just the first half of the fight?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well the first two rounds was all Spinks even from the commentators point of view. It seemed like Taylor was a little nervous and afraid to commit. I am not sure if he has just lost his self confidence or if he was just frustrated but he was more aggressive at the weigh in then the fight. Spinks at least came to the fight with a game plan. Clearly the underdog and less powerful he stayed moving but Jermaine defintely was not aggressive early on. I think he thought Spinks was going to come to him or something. I actually dozed off for a couple of later rounds as the fight was pretty disappointing.

    Actually I think Larry Merchant was a little hard on Spinks when he criticized his fighting style. No, it wasn't entertaining but he was the smaller man and his best strategy would have been to bob and weave and counter punch. Had Taylor tried to push the action both fighters would have looked better. Spinks would have landed a lot more but I think Taylor would have eventually caught him and knocked him out. If Taylor fought Miranda the ame way he fought Spinks, Miranda would have beaten him. Pavlik won because he backed Miranda up and pressed the action something that Miranda was not used to. So now would you rather see Taylor/Calzaghe or Taylor/Pavlik? I'm not sure either fight is safe for Taylor at this point.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not even close to aggressive. Taylor can't even close the show. I don't even think he should even had the opportunity to fight Hopkins. The reason the promotors insisted for him to fight Hopkins was because Taylor had knockout power and aggression. He didn't show any of that ever since.He is pretty much one of the most boring fighters out there. I mean why pay hundreds of dollars to watch him practice sparring when he should be fighting. Even his trainer Emmanuel Stewart, who was absolutely ticked off and yelling, said to throw more punches. Stewart never yelled like that since he was at Lennox corner fighting Tyson. And what does Taylor do after all that yelling? He waits and waits and hits and runs and waits. The main event should have been Pavlik and Miranda, no wonder the crowd was booing.

  • Woody
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, of course the commentators are going to claim that Taylor was aggressive, because he is their HBO product. I've learned for years that Larry Merchant and especially Jim Lampley will over exaggerate the action that is going on. Anyway, as a fan of Taylor I truly didn't think he was aggressive at all in the first six rounds and I actually thought he lost at least four of the first six rounds........ and remember this is coming from a Taylor fan.

  • 4 years ago

    you in easy terms want HBO. Thank god it particularly is not PPV, no person might pay to work out Taylor combat yet another undersized Junior Middleweight. The combat of the evening would be Miranda/Pavlik co substantial experience, do no longer blink simply by fact considered one of them would be KOd early.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Taylor was pressing all night long. He is a bigger guy Cory knew the kind of power Taylor has and did not want to get knock out. So he run and run and run.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i didnt actually see it sorry but from what i heard pretty much no agression i mean from neither fighter. i wanted spinks ro win.



  • 1 decade ago

    man i thought it was a boring match... there was no aggresiveness between the 2... both are playing safe.... i think we deserve a better match between them coz they are both great boxers...

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