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What's your opinion on my question?

My husband and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. We think that it's a big deal but obviously no one on either side of our families think so because no one had a party for us. We have 2 sons ages 29 and 21 and they didn't either.

So when talking with my therapist she suggested that we throw our own party, even though it's not proper.

So, what do you think? And if you think it's alright, how long can we wait to have it because right now is not a good time.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Instead of calling it an anniversary party, you may want to invite your friends and family to join you in renewing your vows and have a reception afterwards. Renewing the vows could add a very meaningful dimension to the whole gathering and your marriage & vows is the reason you are doing this...

    I think you should do it by the end of the year.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why wait for someone else to throw you a party? Throw one yourselves and that way YOU get to choose: the venue; the menu; the date; the time; the level of formality; the guest list; the music AND who (if anyone) makes speeches.

    These days, there really is no such thing as 'proper' unless you are a government official or royalty ~ etiquette should always be about making others feel comfortable, welcome and valued.

    So you have your party, celebrate your important event (I agree it's a big deal!) the way you want to celebrate it, and if anyone has any comment to make, just smile sweetly and say ~ I'll be very glad to help out when you throw YOUR 25th anniversary party :-)

    Have fun and best wishes :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    I think being married for 25 years these days is a wonderful cause for celebration. Congratulations!! I also think any time this year that you can put the party together is fine. I would not think it was inappropriate if I were invited to a 25th anniversary party thrown by the couple. Have a great celebration!

  • 1 decade ago

    My 25th is next week. We are taking a 3 day trip. Just the two of us. No party. It's about US not anyone else. It's a personal celebration !!!

    I think you are being selfish to expect anyone to throw YOU a party for YOU and YOUR husbands anniversary. Get over it.

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  • MUDD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Whenever we try to celebrate our anniversary, something odd or mildly disastrous happens. Therefore, we have renamed it "the day which must not be mentioned" and refrain doing anything until at least the day afterwards. It is your day and you get to choose the way you want to remember it. If you want to wait until you have the time and or energy to do it right, nobody gets to make the rules but you! If nobody else wants to throw you a party, by all means throw your own. Congratulations on hanging together and remember; "Living well, is the best revenge!"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's great for you two to plan the party yourselves. 25 years together is a big deal, but mostly it's a big deal to the two of you, right? I don't know what circles you come from, but to me it seems entirely appropriate for you to throw an anniversary party. If now is not a good time, however, maybe you should consider celebrating privately with your spouse.

  • 1 decade ago

    the party is to celebrate you and ur husband's triumphant acocmplishment of being married for 25 years, so it's not necessary for others to do it for you. it's between the two of you, so i think it's not a problem to plan one yourselves--then u can have it your way, however u like it!

    as for how long to wait, obviously, you got less than a year, because then it would be your 26th anni. i would say you should have it done in 3 months. that way it'll still be close to 25 years versus 26 years.

    after throwing this party urselves, ur kids will probably know that u want ur 50th anni to be a ginormous party! =D

    good luck, and have a blast!!! keep the spark alive!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Congrats on this huge Milestone!

    I have a question, Does your family know it was your anniversary? If so and they hadn't made a big deal about it, I say celebrate with just you and your hubby. Treat yourselves (after all, this is about you two). Do something special for you both (going on a trip, dinner, alone time, etc.).

    After all, it's just the two of you that in the end.. will always be there for eachother.

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's all right, and I'd do it within your 25th year of marriage. Instead of saying "anniversary party" maybe call it a celebration of your marriage, and if you ask people to come celebrate with you and say "no gifts please" I'm sure people would love it. You might even want to do a vows renewal...people plan those for themselves all the time!

    Side note--I think you should knock your sons' heads together for not doing something to celebrate it!:)

  • 1 decade ago

    Who ever said it was not proper to throw yourself a party.? People can throw themselves chirstmas partys, thanksgiving party, new years eve partys, but for some reason it is not proper to throw yourself an anniversary party. I dont think so.

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