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Whos side are you on?

I just watched the fight between Rosie O'Donnell and Elizabeth Hasselback(from the view) that aired on Wednesday. I am on Elizabeths side. Rosie would not let her speak. She wasnted Elizabeth to defend herself, but wouldn't let her. I used to like Rosie. I liked what she stood for, agreed with what she said, I commended her for going and getting married to her girlfriend. But I feel she has crossed the line. She has become overbearing, outspoken, and entirely too rude. I am actually glad she is leaving the view. I want to know everyone elses views on this subject.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm glad someone is standing up to the new Queen of Mean.

    Rosie has had it good for too long, surrounded by all these fawning admirers kissing her @$$ and rarely being challenged on all the goofy things that spew out of her piehole.

    Rosie can't make up her mind whether or not she wants to portray herself as a control freak or a victim. One minute she's hogging all the air time from the other women on the View while spewing her nonsense, the next she's playing for sympathy from her audience by doing this "chip on my shoulder" bit by making assumptions that some people think of her as a "fat loud-mouthed lesbian."

    We already know that, Rosie! We don't need to be reminded of it.

    Elizabeth stood up to her admirably, all the while not expecting an ounce of sympathy from anyone. Kudos to her!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the fact that the 2 started sparring on national television was unprofessional and that the producers kept it on was a clear attempt at getting ratings but I think that Elizabeth was just trying to defend herself.Rosie was being unbearable calling her a coward for not answering when all the while Elizabeth was just trying to get 2 words out. Rosie wanted to paint herself as the victim and she even recognized how it would be spun all over the media becuase she knew what she was doing and she knew it was wrong. If you are going to be such an activist and stand up for peoples rights you have to set an example and not going around pulling crap like that. It was also wrong of Alicia Silverstone to just shun Elizabeth that way and she lost my respect. I know many people think it wasnt a big deal..just let it be cuz it was funny but when you think about it...that is what is on national television that children are watching and it is just not right...Its just not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel that Rosie was a bit too harsh on Elizabeth at times. However, I must say that Elizabeth's faith in this administration surprises me. I don't agree with Elizabeth's "view".

    No matter whose side you are on, it makes for good tv! That is exactly what the tv execs want. (More $ in their pocket.)

  • ?????
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Neither they both made no sense! Rosie kept yelling and badgering and Elizabeth was really making no sense either. And the other two just sat their like a bunch of morons.

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  • coombe
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm in no ones part i'm adversarial to warfare although the unusual ironic difficulty is often you want warfare for peace. i do not recognize the reason behind the warfare except that its fairly taking a toll on a lot of people I said a large protest in the present day and our city isn't that vast so it turned right into a wonder to work out it. Honk for peace

  • 1 decade ago

    I am on Elizabeth's side. Not that I necessarily agree with her views, but she at least understands that other people have opinions. Rosie never shuts her mouth long enough for her ears to open and hear other people unless she agrees with them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have 2 people who have different (views). One is a liberal one isn"t. They are both caring people. I put the producers at fault ,what happened to go to commercial? AT what expense are ratings going to override commonsense. when is the right time to keep your view to yourself. I say shame on everyone involved.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, when Rosie leaves the view I will no longer watch anymore, it was a boring show till she got on there. If she gets another show I will watch that. I like her because she is outspoken, she is very smart.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rosie never shuts her mouth? Elizabeth LITERALLY doesn't let anyone else speak!

  • 1 decade ago


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