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Have you ever heard of Congressman Ron Paul?

I have never liked ANY politician, but given the state of our country as it is now, I believe that Ron Paul is the ONLY presidential candidate with the integrity, will, and independence to veer us off our course of global imperialism and subsequent self destruction.

If you have not heard of him, please - Just watch him speak and read some of his stances on the relevant issues. He is NOT your average politician - He is unapproachable by special interests because his sole concern is the good of the nation and it's people, and his voting record backs up his stance on Constitutional support 100%.

Read some of his positions and see him speaking here:

What do you think?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like him because he will:

    • Limit government interference in private lives

    • Decrease size and scope of federal government

    • Lower spending and force balanced budgets

    • Institute sound economic practices, cut taxes

    • Stop monetary inflation and debasing currency

    • Make decisions based upon the U.S. Constitution

    • Stay away from foreign entanglements/alliances

    • Stop nation-building and the policing of the world

    • Bring our troops home to protect our own borders

    • Support freedom and the rights of individuals

    • Reinstate the Republic that the Founding Fathers envisioned...

  • 1 decade ago

    I hadn't really heard of him until this year. By what I've seen and read I'm very impressed. I want to support someone who will govern on principles, especially those principles found in the constitution. Most of our representatives seem to vote the party line and ignore the constitution. I believe that's a big reason why we're in the mess we're in.

    From what I can see, Ron Paul is the man we need to support.

  • Skully
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm neither a Republican or Democrat . . . I vote for whom I think will be the best person for he job after I study all the issues. I like Ron Paul, as I do Gov. Richardson, and to some degree Hillary Clinton and certainly Barak Obama. I also like Fred Thompson if he declares his candidacy.

    However, I don't think Paul has the name recognition to be successful nationally.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a Republican but I like him , old Rudy tried to get him barred from this next debate , he failed. He is a Texas Congressman he saw what a sorry a** Bush was as Governor in Texas. He will stand up for what he believes old Bush will try to get a swift boat after him, he don't care. He tells it like it is and I don't think he will be elected but give him a A for trying to make a Republican President a decent man.I wish he could win the primary but he has the whole Republicans Pit Bulls after him.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I hadn't relatively heard of him till this 300 and sixty 5 days. via what i've got considered and examine i'm very inspired. i opt to assist somebody who will govern on concepts, tremendously those concepts chanced on interior the shape. maximum of our representatives seem to vote the occasion line and forget approximately related to the shape. i've got faith that's a great reason we are interior the mess we are in. From what i will see, Ron Paul is the guy we would desire to assist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, he was on Bill Maher and he also participated in the Republican debate a couple of weeks ago and he makes a lot of sense to me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Other than here, no. I'm hoping Fred Dalton Thompson will run.

  • 1 decade ago

    i like the man i hope he can stir the pot some more...after the debates observe how the media treat him,thats if he ever get a question to debate ever again....i can see that coming

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