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Calling names and Proposing?

my bf called me 'dear' but i called him by his name. i'm not used by calling him other names. how can i overcome this and what should i call him? it seems so weird by calling him other names. i feel uneasy.

my bf propose to me few times. he ask me to apply for flat together with him, telling me that he want to take care of me and my mother, asking me when can we start planning for future. we are only together for a month but kn0wn each other for a year plus. i feel his sincerity but i am not touched at all. perhaps it is because of my parent divorce that make me loses hope in marriage. how? what should i do?


he asked me about once a week. when am i going to marry him. when can we start planning, etc etc.. i never doubt his sincerity but i just can't get over the divorce of my parent marriage because of a third party. nowadays is very common but i do wish my marriage would last.

Update 2:

i do see the future with him but i just can't bring myself to the marriage part. there is still some fear in me. i am worried that i ended up in my mum's footsteps which i do not want. he has told his mum that if we ever get married, he would be staying with me. he sounded so sincere. but i wasn't touched by his words at all.

Update 3:

my parent are going through a divorce now and will be selling off the current flat. i would need to get a flat and stay with my mum. but getting a flat, would be a tedious thing to me. i will be stressed by the money issue. he had ask me to apply for a flat, beside getting married and he also wan to lighten my burden. I am 26 this year and he is 29. do you think i should agree?

Update 4:

thanks grandpa for your advice.

i feel that he is the one but i am worried.i can't get over the fear of my parent divorce and my past relationships.

i have a 2 years plus relationship before and we broke off becos of third party.

the most recent one is 3 years back. my ex-bf slap me and i left him.

i am worried that history will repeat.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a retired old fellow who lives on a small farm in country Australia. I read with interest your story and it brings back many fond memories of my youth. It is what is in your heart that is important. If you are not ready to call your boyfriend by names such as 'darling' etc. you are just not ready yet. Do not be concerned about it. This will come naturally when your heart is ready.

    If you have not felt the power of love with your boyfriend - and you will certainly know when you do - I suggest that your relationship needs more time and perhaps you need to tell your boyfriend - gently - that you are just not ready to commit yet. My Son has had the experience of his parents divorcing when he was 14. He has been living with his girl friend for seven years and has still not proposed to her. Divorce, sadly does have a major effect on children and you are wise in taking your time until cupid strikes your heart. To marry may well be the most important decision in your life. Make the right decision and your life will be full of joy and happiness. Make the wrong decision and you life will be a disaster. Take your time, consider carefully what you both want out of life.

    I could go on a lot longer but will not.

    Best Wishes - Grandpa

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he's expecting a pet name such as dear, and isn't getting it from you, it's probably your reluctance to become overly close due to feelings you have left over from bitterness over your parent's divorce. As far as the flat goes, it depends on how committed you two are in any kind of relationship. why enter into a lease together if you're not committed and something happen in the relationship. He's probably looking at it from a practical standpoint to save money towards a marriage reasonably.

    In any case, you need to get over the parent's divorce and not think that same thing is going to happen in your case.

  • bettym
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    children of divorced parents does feel a bit more scared when advancing together in a relationship but always remember your parents issues are differant than yours...and your just starting your life..but i want to say for you...when a man says he wants to TAKE CARE OF YOU...tell him you dont need aman for that..that you can care for women are stronger than we appear and when put in a situation of do or die..we will find a way to survive

    good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    okay, what you need to do is tell your BF that your parents divorce has made you uneasy when it comes to marriage but if you do think you can see a future with him tell him that you slowly want to enter that future, if you don't see a future with him dont waste your time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If ur relationship is of just one month ur right with how u feel. Take it easy give it some, after another month u will get the answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, check my questions..I have the same problem, but the thing is, I'm only a senior in high school and....just check out my questions, it may help you too... ;)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give this guy a break. He seems to care about you.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think you should wait, you sound to unsure to be getting married

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