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Engagement parties gifts or no gifts?

We have been invited to a firends engagement party soon. The thing we need to know is: do you buy the couple a gift or just send a card? As they will get gifts at the wedding and also they are currently living together, so they have every thing already?? Whats the correct thing o do??

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're always safe with a bottle of wine and a card.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have always taken a gift. Because they already live together makes it a little easier. Yes they do have everything, in which case you may know what needs to be replaced or what they may need.

    A gift card always works ... maybe to Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Bath and Body Works, whatever. The best in this category would be a gift certificate for a couples massage.

    If you are not looking to spend much, like someone said a picture frame or bottle of wine would be nice, or you could give them a scrap book so the can start saving their memories, or a photo album. Depending on how close you guys are funny gifts are also very well appreciated.

    Gifts or no gift? Yes, gift. If everything else fails give them something both of them can enjoy, something that may help elevate the stress of the wedding.

  • 1 decade ago

    Engagement parties are gift optional events. No matter what you should always come with a card of Best Wishes fro the bride and groom, but nothing else is mandatory. Alot of people find it akward to come empty handed to parties like this, myself included, so if you feel this way you can bring a small gift, usually we make a small donation to the wedding fund, but I have seen small figurines, toasting flutes, bottles of champagne, I even saw someone give silverware (but that was WAY over the top I thought since thats what a shower is what that kind of gift is for). An engagement party is to toast the happy couple and wish them luck, it shouldnt be treated like a formal gift giving event, meaning that its in very poor taste if there is a formal gift opening, since not everyone will bring a gift and it would possibly make people who did not bring gifts uncomfortable, but people today have no manners and do it anyway.

    So the answer is no, you dont HAVE to, but if you would like to it will be accepted and appreciated by the bride and groom.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    People can pick gifts from the wedding registry if they want to bring a gift to the engagement party. As far as showers, the hosts of those will decide if you should register for general things or if there's a theme to the gifts. For instance, a common theme for a bridal shower is kitchen or bedroom stuff, and the hostess will specify a kitchen shower, or bedroom shower, and guests will bring things that go with that theme. (The bedroom theme can get kinky, and who registers for that stuff? *evil grin*) All you need is the one main registry, and the rest will take care of itself from there. You are entirely right that all these separate registries are greedy, and they do send the message that a gift is EXPECTED for everything, or else you wouldn't have registries specifically for each event. Remember that these to-do lists in magazines are sponsored by the companies placing ads, and they want you to think you have tor register for so many things that you'll eventually register for their stuff too. Showing up to just the wedding with one gift is actually quiet expensive, especially considering travel is often involves. Like you, I am also bothered by the growing expectation that gifts will be given so many times during an engagement. This is so expensive, and guests are bled dry.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Technically you do not have to bring a gift for an engagement party.Here's a website on wedding etiquette.

    That said, if you want to bring something make it a small gift that could help the couple. Ex-book on marriage, bridal planning book, etc. Or, you could take a picture you have of the couple and put it in a pretty frame. That would be thoughtful and unexpected.

    Don't break the bank because you still have the wedding to go to. Or if they break the engagement you don't want to invest too much in this. :)LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    I think a card is enough. The last engagement party I went to some people did give gifts/money, and a few months after the couple split!

  • 1 decade ago

    Gifts are not required at an engagement party, but many people bring gifts anyway. Often the bride and groom to be will set up registries just for this purpose, because people often want to give gifts in celebration. However, it's not required. I'm having an engagement party in August, and I did some research and this is what I've experienced. I'm not expecting any gifts, but I did register in case anyone desires to bring them. Bottom line, if you want to give one, go ahead. If not, then don't. You'll be giving them one at the wedding. A good idea to see if they are open to recieving gifts since they already have much of everything is to see if they are registered. Go to and enter his or her name onto the lefthand side and it will search to see if they have created any registries. If they haven't, they do not want gifts. Again, they're not required, but many people do anyway. My sister did get a lot of gifts for her engagement party.

    Source(s): My/my sister's engagement party
  • 1 decade ago

    Card for the engagement, gift for the wedding

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends where the party is: if its a house party then maybe a card and a bottle of wine. But if they are hiring a venue maybe a small gift. Although I'm with you on this one, it seems selfish to expect people to bring gifts if you're spending on hen do's, wedding outfits,pressies etc If they want to have a party so be it, thats their choice, but you shouldn't be expected to bring anything. A cheap bottle of plonk should do!

  • 1 decade ago

    The general rule is that if they are having a party, then they will expect a gift. If they have not specified, it may be best to just put some money in a card.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would take a card, and a small gift[IE photo frame, or vase,small ornament, even a plant for there garden] save the larger gift until the wedding

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